Increase Your Healing Capacity with Self Love
Raise your level of self-love, self-compassion and self-kindness in this video. Self-love is knowing, as a felt-sense, that you are Love. This knowing automatically raises your level of self-compassion and self-kindness. You will learn a technique to nurture self-love so it can grow, because it is behind every co-creative impulse that we take. Increase your self-love and you will increase your ability to co-create in this world.
Remember Your Bravery Today
I woke up this morning and had a realization, that I’m actually a very brave person. This declaration is not because I’m trying to give myself accolades or make myself seem better than I am. It actually comes from the realization that I have had a tremendous amount of fear in my life. This fear has been overwhelming at times and yet, despite this, I have walked through it and done some incredible things. Like recently, I sold my beautiful home in California, left my chosen family of thirty years and moved to Sedona, all because the Divine asked this of me. I rarely let fear stop me from growing, from trying something new and from being authentically me. This is not to say that it hasn’t stopped me in the past at times of course, but in general, I have been extremely brave. I’m sharing this in the hopes that You too, can recognize how brave you have been as you are willing to walk through your own fear.
Relief From Pain Meditation
Are you looking for support, clarity and guidance for the beginning of this year? The New Year is a great opportunity to birth new creations, as there is a collective group agreement to do just that. 2021 is a little different in that we are creating out of chaos, fear and density. We need to move from fear to love, to create in our highest and best interest. When we join together with other light workers, we create a morphic field that allows us to move into the frequency of love, where creation happens. We can raise our vibrational octave and receive clarity on our intentions, as well as manifest them into form. Join me in this one-day virtual retreat with other light workers, ascended masters, saints and mystics, to support our creative endeavors this year and thrive like never before. Saturday, January 30th, 2021
Guided By Love in 2021 Virtual Retreat
Are you looking for support, clarity and guidance for the beginning of this year? The New Year is a great opportunity to birth new creations, as there is a collective group agreement to do just that. 2021 is a little different in that we are creating out of chaos, fear and density. We need to move from fear to love, to create in our highest and best interest. When we join together with other light workers, we create a morphic field that allows us to move into the frequency of love, where creation happens. We can raise our vibrational octave and receive clarity on our intentions, as well as manifest them into form. Join me in this one-day virtual retreat with other light workers, ascended masters, saints and mystics, to support our creative endeavors this year and thrive like never before. Saturday, January 30th, 2021
How To Deal With Loneliness Over The Holidays
In this video, you will learn one way to open your heart to receive the love that is all around you when you’re feeling isolated and alone over this holiday season. There are legions of divine beings who are showering love, support and guidance to us. As we learn to be receptive to this healing energy, we begin to feel a sense of connection and belonging again. This allows us to become a conduit of light in the world. Happy Holy Days!
Solstice Practice for You
Happy Solstice! Today is an auspicious day, astrologically and otherwise. It is the birth of the Christed light within. I can feel this energy in myself and feel it in others rising up (or down and in). I always like to take advantage of the energies present on this powerful day to elevate my own light and the light of the world. In this video, I share a couple of practices that can enhance this day, and the perhaps, even the rest of this incarnation. I see your light and I revere it. Thank you for being a lightworker at this time. For free meditations and numerous tools to support you, sign up for my free online mini course at SpiritCoachTraining.com
Becoming Pixelated Light
In this video, you can learn about a life-altering experience I had that changed my perspective forever. It also helped me understand who we are and how we can heal. Join me in this practice of becoming pixelated light to free up stuck and stagnant energy and vibrate in higher, lighter and more coherent frequencies. The spiritual dimension (the dimension of light) is a higher organizing principal; this is the Divine intelligence. If we are light, how does this human form stay together? This Divine intelligence is an organizing principal that is keeping the body in form.
Increase Your Healing Capacity with Self Love
Raise your level of self-love, self-compassion and self-kindness in this video. Self-love is knowing, as a felt-sense, that you are Love. This knowing automatically raises your level of self-compassion and self-kindness. You will learn a technique to nurture self-love so it can grow, because it is behind every co-creative impulse that we take. Increase your self-love and you will increase your ability to co-create in this world.
Release Your Fear with Kindness
In this video, you will learn to soften your fear with the frequency of kindness. Fear makes us contract, where kindness opens us to the possibilities, opportunities and joy that live in this moment. This is a simple yet effective practice to soften around your fear so you can live in more peace and love, which is your true nature.
Free Your Emotional Energy
I woke up sobbing this morning. I am in Northern California and watching the suffering caused by the wildfires weighs heavy on my heart. One thing I know is that if I don’t allow the grief and sadness to flow through me, it will become a big energy drain.
Create Your Own Sense of Safety
Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story o…
What To Do About Grief During Pandemic
Are you experiencing grief around the pandemic? In this video, I give you a simple step you can take right now to ease your pain and take loving action.
How To Self Soothe Right Now
This is hot off the press. I just downloaded this technique that assists you in self-soothing at a moment’s notice.
Get Unstuck & Return to Love
Are you feeling stuck or stagnant? Watch this video to move into the deep nourishment of the High Spiritual Heart and learn how to access your inner truth to create flow toward what you love. When we contract our hearts, we cut ourselves off from inspiration, and thus, the flow of the Divine that lives in us. At this time in human history, we need our wild, juicy selves to come out in joyous creation to make the world a better place.
How to Activate Peace Now
Did you know that peace is innate and can be activated regardless of what challenges you are facing? In fact, when I was falling off a thirty-foot cliff to what could have been my certain death, I was extremely peaceful. I tell you about it in this video. I also will give you the tools to activate the peace within, turning up the volume so it is accessible to you right now and whenever you need it. Together, we will also send peace to the hearts of humanity as a collective healing for the world. Join me in cocreating more peace!
A Meditation for When You Have Trouble Focusing
When I have trouble focusing, I put on a short guided-meditation to bring myself back to the Love that resides within me. It never fails to work if I just allow myself to surrender to the words and the transmission behind the sound. Without any effort, I begin to radiate more love, compassion and peace. This is why I have created a guided meditation mp3 for you from our last free Healing Hour called Awaken The High Heart To Heal.
2 Simple Things To Change Your Life
In this video, I share two simple things that changed my life that you can apply right now. I share with you my sacred question and my daily prayer.
Microdose Joy
Join me in this short video to learn how to soften around difficult emotions so we can return them to love and broaden our capacity to experience more joy.
Spiritual Strength Free Resource Guide
Do you need some spiritual strength right now? Here is a Free Resource Guide to reduce the fear and increase the love.
How To Get Reprieve From Your Problems
Join me in this video where I share a simple short practice to take you out of your problems, so you can get a respite from the high stress you may be experiencing.
Find Your Courage
Together, we will activate your courage so you can meet these challenges from a whole-hearted LOVE. We are strong in this light, sharing a practice to both calm our nervous system and move into a state of selfless service.