1:1 Coaching
Stop shielding your light and use your light as a shield, guide and activator of your gifts.
Awaken Your Divine Potential
Our one-on-one coaching is a rare opportunity to turn an ordinary life into an extraordinary life. There is no limit to what you can co-create through this method. When you have the tools for transformation, all things are possible.
The Spirit Coach® Methodology allows you to shift in a supportive and safe environment. You get to move at your own pace, learning to access Source directly, where there is no longer a need for a teacher outside yourself. You carry the seeds of all your desires. By going within, you can create that which you seek. As you become aligned with your Spirit you become the perfect expression of you, living your highest Vision in the world.
Coaching with Jenai, Founder of Spirit Coach® Training
Jenai has a gift of seeing and awakening the Divine in you. This includes your purpose, gifts and the contribution you are here to make in this incarnation. She will help you clear the blocks that cloud your true essence as spirit and support you in accessing your own truth that will lead you home to your Self. Through a combination of intuitive readings, practical, non-dogmatic tools and healing energy, the spirit within you begins to shine brighter and brighter. There is nothing more valuable than this.
If you are interested, please inquire with Jenai if she has availability. If she does not have an opening, she can put you on the waitlist or refer you to one of her top Spirit Coaches.
Finding a Certified Spirit Coach®
All Certified Spirit Coaches are trained intuitives. They can take you directly to your blocks and help you clear them without wasting your time and money. The shifts you will receive through this type of spirit-directed coaching are sustainable because you are connecting to the spirit within you—where everything you want is. Let spirit lead you to the highest, wisest part of you. Your true self, gifts and infinite light are waiting to be actualized.

“Jenai helps you go inside and consistently move towards your most loving, connected self in order to serve yourself, loved ones, and humanity at your highest and most joyous level possible.”
Tim Rhode, Client
The Spirit Coach® Methodology provides practical and non-dogmatic tools that anyone can use to improve their lives. There are many wonderful paths, teachings, methods, etc. and all of them can be enhanced by these tools. This method is non-exclusive; it can augment an existing practice or exist on its own. It is designed as a modular system so the Spirit Coach® and client discern what most serves the client.
These are some of the general topics addressed in the Spirit Coach® Method:
Personal Integrity
Abundance Consciousness
Chakra Alignment
Eliminating Limiting Beliefs
Activating the High Spiritual Heart
Soul Purpose in this Incarnation
Balancing Feminine and Masculine Energy
Deepening One’s Connection To Creator
Improving Relationship To Self
Improving Relationship To Others
Ability To Be Vs. Do
Ability To Open Heart
Ability To Live In The Present
Intuition Development
Developing A Spiritual Practice
How To Use Intention
Raising Vibration
Awakening Out of Ego-mind
Journaling from Spirit
Working With Spirit Guides

“What you most want in life and of life may be waiting on the other side.”
Mike Netzel, Client
The Spirit Coach® Methodology was developed to awaken Divine potential. As we use the practices and tools introduced in this method, we become more aligned with our Spirit and as a result, experience more fulfillment and joy in our lives, an emergence of our true self and the ability to serve others through manifesting our Vision in the world.
We believe Spiritual Growth is what facilitates the expansion of our Vision and dreams. It allows us to know ourselves in deeper and deeper ways, giving us access to our authentic desires and joy so we can experience relationship, work, play, etc. in much more meaningful ways.
Our freedom is dependent on our growth; as we peel away the layers that are our false self, we become lighter and freer to be who we truly are. The peace that comes from this cannot be achieved from an external source. If we are to consciously create our own reality (vs. unconsciously), we must become conscious. This is the path of working from the inside out. The more conscious we become, the more choices we have. The more choices we have, the better the life we can create.
Many of us are familiar with the importance of the mind, body and Spirit connection. Yet most of us lead our lives from our mind and not from our Spirit. When we lead from the mind, we can’t create balance because we are not connected to Source, which brings us into alignment with our higher self. Without this connection, there is always a feeling that something is missing in our lives; no matter how much we achieve, have or do, there is still a feeling of being disconnected. The flow of Source energy is not reaching us. When we flip the triangle, Source flows to us and through us making co-creation possible.
When we lead with the Spirit, we are in alignment with our highest self, and from this place the mind and body also become aligned. Source energy is able to flow as we express our true self in the world. We realize we are a Co-Creator, choosing to be and do what makes our heart sing, knowing we came to live the life we intended. There is nothing more fulfilling than this.
This is the paradigm shift that is emerging individually and globally.
The Spirit Coach Methodology was created to assist those individuals who seek a path to know themselves and from this knowing, ones Visions and dreams can be identified and realized. This work changes your life. It is not embarked upon lightly as it is a direct path; one has to be ready as it is a major commitment.

“This type of coaching is the fast track to Real Freedom!”
Tim Wood, Client
+ Why would you recommend Spirit Coaching?
In 2005, I had to go to work for a living. Today, I play for a living. It’s a different mind-set.
Rob Gispert, Client
It can be life changing, if you let it.
Lynda Pelayo, Client
This coaching will change your life in ways you can’t imagine. You will find yourself giving people and situations the benefit of the doubt. You will feel connected to Source and you will notice when that connection has weakened or been compromised. You will feel completely content. You will learn so much about who you really are. You will learn to love yourself.
Sherry Huffman, Client
This type of coaching is not a quick fix. It takes time and work to make the shifts. One has to be ready and willing for it. Also, one has to have an open mind to receive this coaching and it takes a lot of blind faith. However, it is very much worth it because changes are internal versus external, and therefore, it’s permanent.
Lauren Lai, Client
+ What do you like the most about Spirit Coaching?
Candidly, at times I do not like it at all. I like it’s results. It takes me where I least want to go, and exactly to where I must – within. Freedom isn’t free, it requires the surrender of me!
Mike Netzel, Client
For me it has been very helpful to work with someone who is outside of my everyday life. I think the homework between sessions is powerful. The calls are extraordinary. The fee motivates me to work.
Lynda Pelayo, Client
It opens up ones mind in exploring what is possible, not in a way that you are telling me what is possible, but giving me the tools to explore, so I am doing the work, plus obtaining the skills that I can utilize again when needed- a much more sustainable shift than traditional coaching.
Lauren Lai, Client
Today, I am extremely grateful and feel blessed to be alive. One of the most important aspects of this coaching is my connection to God. I feel and know God’s Presence and love is always with me. Every day is a blessing from God and I know it. I know that I am congruent and in integrity with my purpose in life.
Rob Gispert, Client
What I like the most about this coaching is how all the work I’ve done has brought me closer to God/Spirit.
Sherry Huffman, Client
+ How has Spirit Coaching impacted your life?
My awareness has increased 1000%. It has exposed me to the fact that really the only one holding me back is ME.
Tim Wood, Client
This coaching has largely impacted how I think and feel today. It has enhanced my love and respect for who I am. It has improved my confidence, my self-esteem and made me more aware of the present. Today, I know how to face my fears and doubts and be responsible for all of my creations – right or wrong, good or bad. It has increased my vibration to a very high level where I feel good throughout the day, week, or month. I have had several paradigm shifts, such as scarcity to abundance, negative or neutral thoughts to empowering thoughts, and knowing that there is no such thing as luck or coincidence, I am the creator.
Rob Gispert, Client
It has made me much calmer, able to breath and not feel so reactive to people and situations. I am much more grounded, meaning I’m closer to myself than I have ever been. My perspective is much healthier. I feel like I’ve been a beautiful sweater but it turns out I’ve had it on inside-out all my life, and now I’m turning it right side-out. I have clarity with people, insight into why I’m attracted to them (or not). I’ve learned how to tap into creating days of ease, rather than struggle. I’ve learned the importance of identifying and clearing my energy drains.
Lynda Pelayo, Client
Your coaching has impacted my life on every level. My personal relationships are much more fulfilling, especially my relationship with my Mom. I am able to accept and appreciate her as she is instead of projecting onto her what I thought she should be. This has been the single-most important shift in my life. It seems as though once I was able to resolve this, everything else started to fall into place for me. Coaching has also allowed my true self to come forward. I feel like I am more 'me' now. I am a much kinder and understanding person and no longer have a knee-jerk anger response to situations.
Sherry Huffman, Client
It’s like having a talking mirror that has no judgment and tells the truth.
Tim Wood, Client
It’s a form of coaching that changes my way of being versus what I do differently. This type of coaching gives me tools to be in touch with, or 'excavate' my spirit, passions, value, which are often unclear to people because they are buried under the day to day drama, social acceptance, peer pressure, need to conform, ego… This often is the cause of dissatisfied lives that lack joy, happiness and peace, which ultimately robs people’s potential to fulfill their ultimate callings, purpose, greatness and potential.
Lauren Lai, Client
I would describe this type of coaching as the path to removing the walls that separated me from God/Spirit.
Sherry Huffman, Client
Calm, focused, knowledgeable, experience-based (meaning you bring a lot of personal experience and understanding), loving and encouraging support and guidance. I appreciate that you NEVER judge or make me feel bad for anything. I always feel that your “readings” are dead on, and that you are very talented in your spiritual abilities.
Lynda Pelayo, Client
It was challenging at times, and you always made me think on my feet. You were always present, attentive and caring.
Rob Gispert, Client