Spirit Coach® Certification
This is a unique opportunity to co-create a career by serving others.

Why Be Trained as a Spirit Coach®
The Spirit Coach® Methodology provides practical and non-dogmatic tools that anyone can use to improve their lives. These are the tools necessary to help humanity transition from ego to essence. There are many wonderful paths, teachings, methods, etc. and all of them can be enhanced by the Spirit Coach® Training. This method is non-exclusive, it can augment an existing practice or exist on its own. It is designed as a modular system so the practitioner discerns what is appropriate for the client. The Spirit Coach® Method also will be used and applied by the practitioner which will transform your own life.
Your step-by-step process to receive this training is listed below.
We offer certified coach trainings for those individuals who are called to this path.
A Spirit Coach® awakens the Divine Potential in themselves and others, facilitating an opening through the part of ourselves that knows who we are and why we are here. Instead of working from the outside in, a Spirit Coach works from the inside out. Working from the premise that our Spirit already knows our Vision, and it is here our greatness lies. A Spirit Coach® merely facilitates one to come back into alignment with their Spirit. It is from this place, we are connected to our intuition, where we know with the deep resonance of our heart and soul, what we are to BE in this world. It is from this place of Being where all doing emanates and one begins to co-create their lives. The Spirit Coach understands the Spirit, mind, and body connection, facilitating the client in making the unconscious, conscious.

“One of the true gifts of my learning (during Spirit Coach® Certification) is that my own ability to open to grace allows me to provide so much more as a lightworker. I can be compassionately present, embodied, witnessing, without spiritually bypassing, and emotionally responsive without falling into an old patterned trance, always knowing myself as God.”
“Ever since the date of the training was set, my growth has escalated enormously. I love my own empowerment and I adore seeing my clients empowered.”
— Amrito

Are you called to become a Spirit Coach®?
Thank you for your interest in Spirit Coach® Training to become a Certified Spirit Coach®. The time is right on the planet where many people are making the transition to a spirit-led life, and facilitators are needed to assist with this process. The Spirit Coach® Methodology gives you access to tools that allow you to access your Divine inner knowing and gifts—as you know, there is nothing more valuable than this.
The process to become a Spirit Coach requires several prerequisites before you can apply to the training program. However, you will receive valuable training along the way that will both propel you in your own spiritual growth and help you determine if this is the aligned path for you to pursue. There are many coaching programs out there, and this particular program requires a high level of integrity and commitment, resulting in tremendous personal growth. We know a sprit-directed coach can only take a client as far as they are willing to go themselves. This is why we ask that you participate in the following prerequisites before you even consider applying to the program to become a Certified Spirit Coach®. If you love spirit, you will love this journey, as it is an experience of deepening your relationship to your true Self.

Step 1: Read the book, Spirit Led Instead: The Little Tool Book for Limitless Transformation.
This gives you some of the foundational tools you will learn in the Spirit Coach® method. The book introduces you to 18 transformational tools that specifically help you to access the spirit in you—the highest, wisest, real you that knows why you are here. You can purchase the book in paperback or Kindle and download your free chapter here.

Step 2: Enroll in “A Spirit-Led Life” Online Course.
This gives you a chance to really dive into the 18 transformational tools offered in the book for your own personal use. You will be coached in a group setting with the founder of Spirit Coach Training to deepen your own connection to spirit. This is a way to both take steps in your own growth and see if the energy of this material resonates for you. There is a morphic field held for this particular content and you will be introduced to it via recorded courses, guided meditation, and written materials. This is all done in an online format so you can be anywhere in the world. This is an 8-week, on-demand course that can be taken at any time that is convenient for you. You can ask questions and share your own personal transformations via the online forum, gaining valuable support from a group of people committed to living a spirit-led life.

Step 3: Enroll in “A Spirit Led Life” Practitioner Training.
After completing “A Spirit Led Life” Online Course, you can enroll in “A Spirit Led Life” Practitioner Training. This is your first step at being a facilitator of “A Spirit Led Life,” which covers the foundational tools from the book, Spirit Led Instead. In this six month program, you will be taught 18 transformational tools from the perspective of a facilitator. Once you complete this course training, you will have the ability to teach these tools to others. Upon completion, you will be a licensed Spirit-Led Practitioner®, using the tools in the book, Spirit Led Instead, to help others connect to their spirit—where everything they want lives.

Step 4: Work with a Certified Spirit Coach® for one-on-one coaching.
Please note, this step can happen at any point. All of our Master Spirit Coaches are trained intuitives, so they can guide you in a very clear and direct way, helping you to strengthen the voice of your spirit, leading you to your highest and best life experience. Even if you are already a seasoned professional facilitator, it is a prerequisite that you receive this coaching to be eligible for the Spirit Coach® Training Certification Program. Of course, being coached does not guarantee your entrance into the program.

Step 5: Apply to Spirit Coach® Training.
When you and your coach determine you are ready, you will apply to the Coach Training Program. We hold a high bar for our Coaches. The process is in stages, and when you become certified, you will understand the incredible transformation you have undergone to be a professional facilitator of this work. Those who are called to this path do so because their spirit is guiding them to it. This is not an ego-led decision, and you will know with the deep resonance of your spirit whether this is the aligned path for you.
What People Are Saying
"One of the great gifts of doing this training is being coached myself with the Spirit Coach® Method, both during the training and subsequently. Ever since the date of the training was set, my growth has escalated enormously. I love my own empowerment and I adore seeing my clients empowered."
Amrito Cross
“How clear and concise your teachings are mingled with an authentic feeling of love, compassion and steadfastness from you and all the instructors.”
Marie Glon
“Spirit Coach® Training is an opportunity to immerse yourself in a high vibration, divinely embodied learning and healing experiences over time with others also committed to their growth. In this process, you can learn powerful new tools for yourself and to guide clients, supporting your own deeper experience of Being. This allows you and your clients to get clear and live in greater intentionality in the true heart of service, living your purpose with the deepest knowing that you are part of, and held within, the heart of God.“
Alissa Blackman
“This training is designed for one to hone and bring forth more of your authentic self, while developing skills to guide another to explore their spirituality in a safe, supportive and sacred environment. I am now living from a deeper awareness of being connected to the expansiveness of the All. I have more courage to live in the world as my authentic self and I have a deep reverence for the Divine.“
“One of the big takeaways was trust my clients: I don't need to know. My reverence for them pulls out their greatness…This stuff really works! I now have the confidence to trust Source to work through me.”
Jesse Harless
“Our group has given me community and a greater knowing that I am exactly where I am supposed to be, living truth that will serve myself and the people and the world around me.”
Linda Wolok
“Spirit Coach Training is an intensive in skill building needed to access one's own innate Wisdom with the intention of establishing a foundation for a genuine life. Practical application of diverse tools honed for self-discovery and personal empowerment are implemented. This in turn enables the participants to take full advantage of the opportunity to discover the choices and actions needed in fulfillment of their heart's desires. The potential for lasting success is increased through the ongoing support intrinsic in the structure of the program. This process gives back exponentially to students who are willing to honestly invest of themselves and their time and resources. All of this is held in a safe, sacred and encouraging space. Truly, a chance of a lifetime.”
Suzanne Perot
“Spirit Coach Training Certification is an amazingly powerful process. Not only do you learn about the coaching tools and materials, but it also facilitates a huge amount of personal spiritual growth which will support you in being more fully your true self and thus, an even better coach.”
Maya Paul
Thank you for tuning into your spirit and listening to your inner guidance as to what your next step is. We know you will receive tremendous value from each step listed above if you are guided there.
There is an application process to be considered for Spirit Coach® Training. The reason for this is to maintain a high level of quality among Spirit Coach Practitioners. The training and tools are powerful and we want to make sure they are used ethically always serving the highest good of the client.