A Meditation for When You Have Trouble Focusing


When I have trouble focusing, I put on a short guided-meditation to bring myself back to the Love that resides within me. It never fails to work if I just allow myself to surrender to the words and the transmission behind the sound. Without any effort, I begin to radiate more love, compassion and peace. This is why I have created a guided meditation mp3 for you from our last free Healing Hour called Awaken The High Heart To Heal.

Download this mp3 now and use it any time you need to return yourself to the Love within. This builds your spiritual, emotional and physical immune system. It also leads to more peace, productivity and aligned choices. I would even say it draws to you those things in your life that you have been seeking.

If you would like more incredibly fruitful meditations, in depth guidance and coaching on exactly how to be the radiant light of Love that you came to be, join us for 6-weeks of activating your high spiritual heart in my brand new online course. This life-changing information that I am receiving from the Ascended Masters is exactly what we need during this time to evolve, grow and step into our light more fully. This raises our consciousness, gives us access to our inner guidance, strengthens all the systems of our energy body, activates our gifts and moves us in the direction of our soul’s path. This leads to service— serving our families, communities and the world. 

Register now as we are starting May 9th. Scholarships are available.

Love is what is needed now! Not the idea of love, but rather, the embodied state of love that will heal us of our past wounding and heal the collective. This is the time to do this important work. It will change everything for the better in your world.

Will you be with us? Sign up now.

This will not just transform you, but support you in transmuting longstanding patterns that no longer serve so you can live in higher states of consciousness in a more sustainable way.

I’ll see you this Saturday for the last Free Healing Hour on May 2nd before we begin this new course on May 9th. Please feel free to invite anyone who could use some healing energy.

In Love & Gratitude, Jenai


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