“I love Jenai’s clear transmissions and her ability to interpret her teachings in an inclusive, loving, joyful and direct manner.”
— Cristhal

Jenai is a Spiritual Teacher, Healer, Channel, Psychic, Coach, Mentor, Author & Activator of Your Light
We Are Walking Each Other Home to the Light Within
Jenai Lane today understands the difference between co-creating from a Spirit perspective and creating from an ego perspective. She has allowed herself to follow her guidance and intuition, coming full circle, as she now lives her life knowing her purpose in this incarnation. Through her evolution on the Spiritual Path, she has studied with many enlightened teachers, trained in many intuitive/healing arts and has experienced her own non-dual awakening and miracle consciousness, coming to the place of directing others on the path through Spirit Coaching.
Her Spirit Coach® Methodology has been used for over 15 years with clients one-on-one, in retreat settings and to train master coaches. It has inspired the heart and soul of entrepreneurs across the country assisting them in bringing their highest Vision into the world. Jenai has a gift of seeing and awakening the Divine in you. This includes your purpose, gifts and the contributions you are here to make in this incarnation. She will help you clear the blocks that cloud your true essence as spirit, and support you in accessing your own truth that will lead you home to your true Self. Through a combination of intuitive readings, practical non-dogmatic tools and healing transmissions, the spirit within you begins to shine brighter and brighter. You can work with Jenai in a group setting via her online courses, A Spirit-Led Life and The Divine Feminine Transmission, Practitioner Training®, Spirit Coach® Training and her in-person Spirit Led Live Gatherings, and Retreats.

Jenai has a complete understanding of the business world as a former woman entrepreneur of the year. At the age of twenty-four, Jenai started her first award-winning company, Respect, Inc. and became an inventor of many patented and trademarked products. As a result she appeared in much media, from The New York Times to appearing on The Rosie O’Donnell Show. Jenai also received numerous awards, including: NAWBO Woman Entrepreneur of the Year and SBA Young Entrepreneur of the Year. She is featured in four books about women and business.
Jenai currently lives in Sedona where she coaches, writes and co-creates her Vision. She listens to her guidance, lives her life in service and gratitude for the people, beauty and enriching experiences in her life. She released her first much anticipated book to the acclaim of many, Spirit Led Instead: The Little Tool Book of Limitless Transformation and her subsequent book, The Spirit Led Instead Playbook. Receive your free chapter of Jenai’s book. Her most recent book is, What Would Love Say?
What people are saying about Jenai:
“The tools you have taught me to get in touch with my spirit continue to guide me along my path, and my current sense of self worth, self trust and self love is unmatched by anything I have ever felt in this lifetime. I feel I am stepping more and more into my divine path.”
Mary Tagliaferri, M.D., L.Ac., California Woman of the Year
“She has really taught me to get out of my head and get into my heart, tap into spirit and access wisdom that is beyond me.”
Hal Elrod, Author of The Miracle Morning and The Miracle Equation
I am certain that what Jenai is offering will support my spiritual evolution and allow me to provide a higher level of ministerial support for my clients and community, that will serve their spiritual growth and transformation as well. I love Jenai's clear transmissions and her ability to interpret her teachings in an inclusive, loving, joyful and direct manner.”
Cristhal Bennett, Minister & Mystic
“The primary reason I am drawn to what Jenai offers is that her energy and example open all of us in ways we don’t completely understand. There is so much going on at so many levels. My awareness and connection to Source continue to grow richer and deeper. This growth is the most fulfilling experience of my life.”
Joyce, Psychologist & Artist
“Jenai helps you go inside and consistently move towards your most loving, connected self in order to serve yourself, loved ones, and humanity at your highest and most joyous level possible.”
Tim Rhode, Founder of 1 Life Fully Lived

There are no versions of ourselves, there is only the true self. So often we believe in an idea of improving ourselves. This is a stage in our spiritual growth where we focus on personal development. There’s nothing wrong with this, but often underneath this idea is that there is something inherently wrong with us, instead of something inherently right with us. As we evolve on the spiritual path, we come to understand that there are no versions of ourselves that could be better than who we actually are underneath all of the valances we wear. Instead of getting a new better self, we drop all the versions of self and allow our light to shine through. Our light, when it is unencumbered by false identity, is the most brilliant, perfect expression of ourselves. There is nothing better than this. Thus, there is no better, or learning to be better, than who we already are. Once we recognize this, we begin to realize it is just a letting go of what we are not, to become who we truly are. This makes the path of growth so much easier and it also helps us to recognize that what we strive for is already here. This also includes how we perceive others in our life. We can focus our attention on this truth and everything changes for the better.
Coaching with Jenai, Founder of Spirit Coach® Training
Jenai has a gift of seeing and awakening the Divine in you. This includes your purpose, gifts and the contribution you are here to make in this incarnation. She will help you clear the blocks that cloud your true essence as spirit and support you in accessing your own truth that will lead you home to your Self. Through a combination of intuitive readings, practical non-dogmatic tools and healing energy, the spirit within you begins to shine brighter and brighter. There is nothing more valuable than this.
If you are interested, please inquire with Jenai if she has availability. If she does not have an opening, she can put you on the waitlist or refer you to one of her top Spirit Coaches.