Online Courses
Take This Course in Your Own Timing
Imagine having unshakable intuition, clarity with ease in all your choices, feeling grounded in your own truth, and knowing your next step onto your highest path. If you’re ready to live your best life—the life your soul intended—then join us in this amazing course and learn to ignite this power within you, which will lead to greater clarity, deep truth, and direct guidance and help you navigate this human life with ease, grace, and joy.
A Spirit-Led Life On Demand
Imagine for a moment what it would be like to feel free to be your true self, creating your vision in the world and contributing to the greater good as a result. This is what fulfillment looks like—and it could be you. It’s time to stop searching for answers outside. Your spirit, the highest, wisest part of you, knows the way. All you have to do is connect to it. Available Now.
The Divine Feminine Transmission: 7 Frequencies to Your Wholeness
Imagine for a moment if the feminine aspects of the Divine came alive in you. Could this nurturing, unconditionally loving, accepting, and humble presence allow you to experience your Divine nature more readily and without hesitation? We are all Divine beings, yet our lack of realization creates the illusion of separation, disconnecting us from our power, creativity, compassion and wholeness. Do you want to reconnect to this? That is exactly what this course is designed to help you do. Dates TBA.
The Healing Code Course
This course is not just for people who think of themselves as “healers”; it is for all of you who wants to heal into your Divine birthright, so you can fully give the gifts you came to give, in whatever form that is supposed to take. This course is also for those who wish to serve others by igniting the light in those around them. Whether you are a mother wanting to give healing to your children or a therapist wanting to better serve your clients, this course is for you. Today more than ever, we need to access our innate healing capacity to strengthen body, mind and spirit, so we can add to the light of the world. Dates TBA.
Evolve with the High Spiritual Heart, Part II
This is the time you came for - the great awakening of humanity. Challenging times give us the most opportunities for growth. Let’s use this time wisely by becoming firmly planted in our High Spiritual Heart. This is the place where love is infinite, wisdom is plentiful and guidance is accessible. A mind riddled with fear is a dangerous place to be, especially now, but the High Spiritual Heart is a safe haven that when activated, can be the guiding light in our lives. This light will not only serve ourselves and the choices we make, but others as well. This is the reason we incarnated—to be Love, to serve Love and to act from Love. Dates TBA.
Evolve with the High Spiritual Heart, Part I
This is the time you came for - the great awakening of humanity. The collective trauma we are all currently experiencing is an opportunity to heal our own personal trauma so we can awaken out of the ego’s trance and into our true LOVE nature. We are moving from a fear-based society to a Love-based society. How do we do this? By doing the work on a personal level, we affect the whole. The High Spiritual Heart is the vehicle that returns to Love that which is separate and divided. Our wounded heart keeps us believing in the illusion of the separate self. It forms the projection of a separate identity. When we heal this part of us, we are free to be who we truly are—a magnificent, loving and compassionate being whose potential is limitless. Dates TBA.
Spirit Led Practitioner® Training
Spend six months in an immersion course with Jenai, learning what it takes to create a spirit-led lifetime. This course will take you deep into your own process, and will also give you the training you need to practice the life-altering tools in Spirit Led Instead with others. For those of you who want to add tools to your tool belt to support the spiritual evolution and well-being of others, you can learn exactly how in this online course. Then you can share the wisdom in this book with your family, friends, clients, students, patients… anyone whom you feel would benefit from them. As you continue your own journey, you can assist others in theirs. There is no greater joy than to serve others in discovering the truth of their being. Many facilitators (coaches, therapists, doctors, massage therapists, yoga instructors, teachers…) recognize that there is a piece missing from their service offering. You recognize that, without a strong connection to one’s spirit, healing into wholeness is not possible. Dates TBA.