Do you ever lack clarity and all you need is some loving guidance to align with your truth? This book answers that call.
This is not an ordinary book. It’s a divining rod for Love.
Most books you read cover to cover. Not this one, you use your intuition.
These messages from Love will get you out of your stuck places and return you to the truth within so that you can “know” your next step.
Receive answers whenever you need them.
Easily shift your vibration and attune to the frequency of Love (contained herein).
Build the muscle of your intuition by practicing intuitive readings each day.
Penney Peirce, author of Transparency, Leap of Perception, Frequency and The Intuitive Way
“What’s so deeply pertinent and real about Jenai’s writing is that she knows how to connect to and become the higher frequency, sacred, energy-and-consciousness of compassion. She is a Translator of Truth, with great humility and a belief in your own unlimited nature. Slow down, feel into her words, let them resonate, and help you expand into your own beautiful light-world—right here and now!”
Gina Lake, spiritual teacher and author of Cycles of the Soul, Awakening Love, The Jesus Trilogy and more
"Truth on every page from one of the most beautiful souls I have ever known."
Love Say?
What Would

How To Use This Book:
Hold the book and attune to the frequency of Love. Breathe in and out of your high spiritual heart. Visualize someone you love unconditionally (children and pets work extremely well). Expand this Love in your heart-center, seeing it as a light that fills your entire body and beyond your auric field. Ask yourself this question, “What would Love say to me, today?” See, feel or know the page number between 1 and 155, and turn to that page for your message. Read the message three times, while breathing into the wisdom of your high spiritual heart. Let the message take you to the truth within.
“This book gives you guidance when you are in fear or confusion or dismay so you can shift your vibration and return to Love again. Love is calling you to be who you incarnated to be. We can walk home to Love, together.”
“This book is a divining rod for love!”
For years my clients have been telling me that my messages from Love, are as if God is speaking directly to them. They are moved with tears of resonance, knowing their truth is being reflected. This book is a compilation of these messages. They can guide you to answer questions that you have a deep longing to know and point you in the direction of discovering your own truth. There’s nothing more liberating than this.
You can use this book as a type of divination tool. The frequency of Love which is contained herein, will assist you in tuning into what you need to know in this moment.
This book also contains within it a method to help you sync up to your spirit, where your truth lives. This will support you in developing your own connection to the Love that lives within you.
Discover the wisdom that these messages can evoke for you. Know that no one can tell you your own truth. As you build this intuitive muscle, you free yourself from the constructs of the ego-mind and open yourself up to the vastness of boundless Love that lives within you.