Increase Your Healing Capacity with Self Love
Raise your level of self-love, self-compassion and self-kindness in this video. Self-love is knowing, as a felt-sense, that you are Love. This knowing automatically raises your level of self-compassion and self-kindness. You will learn a technique to nurture self-love so it can grow, because it is behind every co-creative impulse that we take. Increase your self-love and you will increase your ability to co-create in this world.
Discover Unity Consciousness + A Meditation For You
In this video, I share with you an experience I have been having with Unity Consciousness, as well as, a meditation to tap into more of your true nature.
Discover Unity Consciousness + A Meditation For You
I am so excited to share with you some of the healings that are taking place at The Spirit Led Live Events in San Rafael. I receive email testimonials after almost every gathering describing the physical, emotional and spiritual healings that are taking place. I am not the healer. This healing is happening through the entire group, as we are all conduits for this Divine intelligence. When we open ourselves to this light, miracles are often what follows.
How To Connect To The Ascended Masters In Three Easy Steps
Do you know that you have an invaluable built-in dream team that wants to help guide you to your highest life calling?
How To Discern The Difference Between The Voice of Ego and The Voice of Spirit
Learn the answer to this question I get asked all the time as a Spirit Coach in this short video. It is a really good question because when you figure out the answer you have a recipe for success in your life.
Why You May Not Be Getting Results From Your Spiritual Growth Work
In this short video, you’ll learn why you may not be getting what you need from your spiritual growth work. It doesn’t have to be so hard. When we turn toward our Divinity, we can navigate the process of awakening in a gentler, more compassionate embrace. Don’t make the same mistake I did which I talk about in this video.
My Mystical Experience with Mary Magdalene
Join me in this short video where I share a mystical experience that happened on my pilgrimage in France walking in the footsteps of Mary Magdalene. I learned something that will forever set me free. My hope is that you will be set free, too, by understanding this simple truth that we all have access to but may not be actualizing.
Learn How To Allow What You Want In
In this short video, you will learn how to allow in what you really want. The egoic-mind creates a rigidity that blocks us from love. When we soften around the ego’s need to resist reality, we open to the vastness of our true nature, and suddenly, life looks and feels very different. Everything we want comes when we simply soften and let the Divine in.
Receive The Profound Messages & Healing From Our Lady of Guadalupe Santa Fe Retreat & Chimayo Pilgrimage, September 2018
Sitting alone in the Sanctuary de Chimayo in New Mexico, I hear this prayer echoing loudly in my head against the silent backdrop of the empty church:
Claim Your Beingness as Divine
Once we realize that our Divine nature is waiting patiently for us to claim it, we stop trying so hard to be spiritual and instead, we claim our beingness as Divine. This is not a concept; it is experiential. Although we may understand intellectually the truth that we are Divine, we still may not experientially be dwelling in this truth.
Post Sedona Retreat Bliss
After the Sedona Retreat, I am so full of gratitude, joy and fulfillment! This is what happens when people come together with a common intention to ignite their light. After witnessing countless miracles, awakenings and the creative expression of the Divine flowing through us, I know anything is possible.
Are You A Light Worker?
Are you feeling the need to ignite your light and share it with the world? Join me for a free webinar, "Calling All Light Workers to Ignite Your Light." It is this Wednesday, May 2nd at 5:30pm Pacific.
With Compassion, Judgment Has No Power
I just returned from a four-day retreat with Padre Paul, and my heart is ablaze with compassion. I say this because I realize the power of compassion to transform our lives again and again as we allow in this frequency. I witnessed a mother bring her young son to receive a healing.
Take Action Aligned with Your Spirit
When we see God as separate we will always feel powerless, that is, the power is outside of us. So when things don’t go our way it triggers feelings of fear, that things are out of control.
How Spiritual Pilgrimage Changed My Life and How it Can Change Yours
I have come to understand spiritual pilgrimage as a journey in which we travel outside the familiar in order to ultimately come home to our Self. I have been taking spiritual pilgrimages since I was nineteen years old as a way to see myself outside of the constraints of my daily reality.
Mary Magdalene said in the Gospel of Mary Magdalene that forgetfulness is only temporary. Now is the time of remembering!
Mary Magdalene said in the Gospel of Mary Magdalene that forgetfulness is only temporary. Now is the time of remembering!
Reverence, Relics & Remembering Love During Difficult Times
Reverence is the word that comes to mind when I think of entering the room with the Relics of the Saints in Arizona. As we walked into The Shrine of Holy Wisdom where I held the Relic Retreat, tears flowed immediately as there was a deep recognition of the power, presence and grace that permeated the room.
Catapult 2018 Into Higher Levels of Consciousness By Reframing 2017
I especially love the New Year because there is an energetic collective group agreement for new beginnings. We can leave the past behind and step into who we truly came here to be.
Spirit Speaks: Serve Yourself Before You Serve Others
Life is a series of checks and balances, if we let it be. We will always have more to check off on our list, and we may even feel good in the moment we check it off but this feeling is fleeting.
How Transmissions Can Serve Your Awakening
Since I can remember, I have had a dream of sitting in a room surrounded by people who knew that they were God incarnate. For years I have sat with the ascended masters in this way but not until recently had I experienced a group of people (eleven to be exact) all conscious of the fact that they were divinity in form. I understood in this moment that it is possible for all of us, and this is the movement we are making in the planetary awakening that we are all a part of.