Discover Unity Consciousness + A Meditation For You

Watch This Video About Miracle Healings at The Live Events

Join Us This Thursday, September 20th!

I am so excited to share with you some of the healings that are taking place at The Spirit Led Live Events in San Rafael. I receive email testimonials after almost every gathering describing the physical, emotional and spiritual healings that are taking place. I am not the healer. This healing is happening through the entire group, as we are all conduits for this Divine intelligence. When we open ourselves to this light, miracles are often what follows.

The energy at the Santa Fe Retreat & Chimayo Pilgrimage is always off the charts. You too, can experience the healing miracles and shifts in consciousness! Use this link to join us for the next live event: Register Now

This is what Our Lady of Guadalupe told me when I asked her why healing miracles were so prevalent at Chimayo, "Intercession is easy when people open in prayer and receptivity. Angels and God can enter here."

Claim Your Divinity!


We just returned from The Santa Fe Retreat & Chimayo Pilgrimage where our light was ignited and we are now carrying the healing codes of the Divine Mother. We can't wait to share this with all of you. Come and receive what you need at this point in your spiritual journey.

from 7pm to 9pm
Save $15 by registering now

Located at The First Presbyterian Church of San Rafael

1510 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA

The Time is Now to Walk into the Light!

I have experienced profound healing beyond my understanding...and most of all the increasing level of self-love I take with me is priceless.
— Alicia

Discover Unity Consciousness + A Meditation For You


How To Connect To The Ascended Masters In Three Easy Steps