How To Discern The Difference Between The Voice of Ego and The Voice of Spirit
Learn the answer to this question I get asked all the time as a Spirit Coach in this short video. It is a really good question because when you figure out the answer you have a recipe for success in your life.
There is a deep wisdom within you. You could even say an internal guidance system that knows what it is you need and how you can fulfill that need. This is spirit, the part of you that is infinite, trusting and allowing, always flowing with the Divine. All there really is to do is to allow spirit to be heard, to nourish this place, and to lead your life from here. There is nothing difficult about it. However, spirit is so neutral, and at first, subtle, we do not give it any attention. The first step is to start paying attention as this will ignite your true self and the truth of your being can guide your life with very little effort.
Come and join us as we activate the Divine within us, where we meet our lives as our true self in love, joy and a deep heart-centered wisdom guiding us to our highest life path. You too, can experience the healing miracles and shifts in consciousness that take us Home! The next gathering is in San Rafael, California on August 23rd.
"Sometimes I need to stand wherever I am to be blessed." -Mary Oliver