Increase Your Healing Capacity with Self Love
Raise your level of self-love, self-compassion and self-kindness in this video. Self-love is knowing, as a felt-sense, that you are Love. This knowing automatically raises your level of self-compassion and self-kindness. You will learn a technique to nurture self-love so it can grow, because it is behind every co-creative impulse that we take. Increase your self-love and you will increase your ability to co-create in this world.
Your Light is a Beacon
Your light is a beacon for others, but more importantly it is a beacon for your Self. There comes a point when one’s motivational alignment changes. Our motivation changes because we suddenly realize that non-alignment is not worth it anymore.
Luminaries, Robert Thurman & Matthew Fox Point To The Feminine
I recently saw spiritual luminaries Robert Thurman and Matthew Fox in conversation. It was absolutely electric! Both elders have made significant contributions in different spiritual traditions.
Healing For You + New Fall/Winter Schedule to Receive Miracles in Your Life
Today I am with Sara O'Meara, miracle healer and Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, transmitting this healing light to you. I have a large group joining me on a spiritual pilgrimage to Sedona next week so the power of this transmission is magnified. Please take a moment to tap in.
Healing Energy from The Sanctuary of Chimayo
Watch this one-minute video transmission of healing energy from El Santuario de Chimayo in New Mexico, and allow yourself be wrapped in the loving arms of the Divine Mother. This is how I felt as soon as I stepped onto this sacred land, which is known as the Lourdes of America. The sweet energies of Divine compassion and grace literally swept me into the warm embrace of Our Lady Of Guadalupe, and she whispered this message in my ear: “Intercession is easy when people open in prayer and receptivity. Angels and God can enter here.”
The Truth of Who You Are
As you go through your life experiences, you serve others by being a beacon of light, love & truth – the truth of who you are. When you take the time to be authentic, your light shines forth giving others permission to do the same.
Receive The Profound Messages & Healing From Our Lady of Guadalupe
Sitting alone in the Sanctuary de Chimayo in New Mexico recently, I hear this prayer echoing loudly in my head against the silent backdrop of the empty church:
Co-Creation Is Where We Always Want To Be
There will always be knots in life. Everything can not be smooth & perfect all the time, otherwise we do not learn what we are meant to. That said, the way we deal with life’s knots can make all the difference between suffering and gliding through a situation easily & effortlessly.
Be Your True Authentic Self
You can only hide from your true self for so long. After awhile, we begin to feel an incongruence pretending to be someone other than we are. We get very good at this - so good we almost fool ourselves.
What is a Transmission?
For years the Ascended Masters have been appearing to me and teaching me directly, one of the ways being through transmission. When I asked them, “What is a transmission?” They replied, “A transmission is God waking up to herself.” This made perfect sense to me as I have experienced this many times sitting with God-realized beings that I, too, recognize the God in me through the energy they are transmitting.
My Satori Moment in Sedona
Are you in need of a satori? The word satori comes from the Japanese Zen tradition, and means a sudden awakening. A satori is a window into a new level of consciousness attained by intuitive illumination.
Spotlight on a Spirit Coach®: Faith Williams
Becoming a Certified Spirit Coach® was like the dream job I had been preparing for all my life.
10 Ways To Love Yourself More
This time of year many of us are looking for love, but we may be looking in the wrong places. If love is what you seek, then give love to yourself. When we fill our selves with self-love, the love we seek from the external world is given in all its many forms.
Marianne Williamson and Listening To The Voice of Spirit
“I have a conviction in a world where you are only love.” This is what Marianne Williamson said last weekend at her talk on forgiveness in San Rafael, California. The words resonated deep within me. Knowing that, as a facilitator of spirit, if I look deeply into another, this is what I see – love. And the spirit within us is this love. Not a personal love, but a love that encompasses all. It is in this recognition that we each individually get to choose with whom we wish to identify – our spirit or our ego identity.
Love Is What It Is: Healing Miracles with Padre Paul
They came from different places, arriving to the Four Points Sheraton in San Rafael, some expecting miracles and others not knowing what to expect. I heard people say as they entered the large room that they felt a presence. It was palpable even before the day had begun.
Letting Go & Falling Into Grace
As I was praying in The Little Chapel in Paradise Valley, Arizona recently, I heard a voice that I knew belonged to Master Jesus. It said, "Jenai, you don't know how to let go." This surprised me since I've released so much in the last two years, including my marriage, yet the voice insisted that I still had much to learn.
Why Meditation May Not Be Working For You
If you are having a hard time meditating successfully, you may be practicing the wrong kind of meditation. If you are anything like me, you have monkey-mind, that is, your mind just doesn’t quiet down even when you are meditating.
Miracle Consciousness: Journey to John of God
It seems fitting to write about my journey to John of God when I am still in the air, that is, on a plane where my feet have yet to touch the earth. This is how I feel, somehow lifted above reality. Certainly I feel lighter, freer, and less attached to the details of daily life, yet at the very same time more connected to my Self.
What Nelson Mandela Said and How It Can Set You Free
I am so excited about this, even though forgiveness has never been my strong suit. However, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that forgiveness is what sets us free. This is why it is the core of just about every spiritual tradition. Why? Because without it, there is no transformation. There is no freedom.
I Want To Talk About The God That Dwells In Me & You
I want to talk about God. No, not about religion or dogma or even semantics, but that feeling you get when you're watching the sunset and the colors are so brilliant you could cry because it's as if God is touching you. I want to talk about that feeling you get when you look deep into another's eyes and know them as the Divine in you.
Truth Comes In Many Forms: My Encounter with a Psychic Psychologist
There are times in our lives when the truth seems to elude us. For whatever reason, we are confused about the direction to go in, either in our careers or our relationships or our personal growth.