Increase Your Healing Capacity with Self Love
Raise your level of self-love, self-compassion and self-kindness in this video. Self-love is knowing, as a felt-sense, that you are Love. This knowing automatically raises your level of self-compassion and self-kindness. You will learn a technique to nurture self-love so it can grow, because it is behind every co-creative impulse that we take. Increase your self-love and you will increase your ability to co-create in this world.
Miracles in San Rafael & Miracles For You on Mother's Day
There is so much light pouring in after the 4-day retreat with Padre Paul in San Rafael, where there were too many miracles to count. It reminds me of how powerful it can be when a group of people comes together with a common intention.
A Mother's Love Heals Everything
I have been in the midst of a personal rebirth lately. Not to sound grandiose or self-absorbed, but the experiences I have been having over the last year have brought me to a deeper level of communion with the Divine Feminine than I ever knew was possible.
More Miracles & Where You May Find Yours
I just returned from an amazing trip to see Sara O’Meara, and this trip was extra special because Padre Paul came with me. I can’t tell you how wonderful it was to have two such amazing healers under one roof. As you can imagine, we blew that roof right off!
Mary Magdalene Holy Mountain Video & Prayer
Mary Magdalene walked the path to the Holy Mountain and I followed in her footsteps. I took this video so you can, too.
How I Learned To See God In All Things
It’s easy to see God in a butterfly or in the beauty of a sunrise or in the eyes of a loved one. However, for me the question has been, can I see God in the things I don’t like, don’t revere and can’t find solace in?
My Favorite Butterfly Story From John Of God
I just returned from Brazil where I basked in the light of the Divine sitting with John of God in meditation for many hours each day. The house I was staying in had this beautiful painting of Mary in it.
A Miracle Story For Easter - My Most Recent Mystical Experience
I recently took a personal retreat in Arizona to prepare for bringing a group to see Sara O’Meara and sit with the relics of the Saints. I always ask to be prepared to hold a sacred container for a group, so that I can be filled up before I act as a conduit.
Healing & Transformation Beyond My Wildest Imagination
I have so much to be grateful for. I have been immersed in healing and transformation beyond my wildest imagination.
My Experience With The Saints
Have you ever followed an inner nudge that led you to open up a door that you never want to close again? On a trip to Arizona over the holidays, I was led by Spirit to visit the home of a priest named Father Jorge. In his humble abode I had an experience of sitting in the presence of the saints that was so profound I felt I simply must share it with you.
My Spiritual Pilgrimage To France
I have come to understand spiritual pilgrimage as a journey in which we travel outside the familiar in order to ultimately come home to our Self.
My New Favorite Symbol
I often have conversations with Jesus, not just where I talk to him, but where he talks back. It was a little odd when it first started, since I was raised culturally Jewish and Jesus was not part of my reality growing up.
My New Favorite Symbol
I have been a symbol junkie for most of my life. I love symbols because they are the language of spirit. So when I came across this new symbol on my spiritual pilgrimage to France when I was following in the footsteps of Mary Magdalene, I was moved to tears.
Healing at Brigid’s Well in Ireland
It was the middle of the night when the brilliant golden being appeared, sitting on my bed as if she belonged there. She was so radiant she took my breath away.
How We Make Our Spiritual Experiences Sustainable
I’m on cloud nine as I’m returning from our annual retreat in beautiful Sedona, Arizona. Maybe it’s because I’m writing this in the air, but I think the real reason is that for me, there is nothing better than watching others step into their divinity.
Why I Strive To Look Like A Fool
I can't tell you how many times the fear of looking like a fool in front of others stopped me in my tracks in the past.
The Holy Woman Relics Retreat
Reverence is the word that comes to mind when I think of entering the room with 70 Relics of The Holy Women Saints in Arizona. As we walked into The Shrine of Holy Wisdom where I held the Relic Retreat, tears flowed immediately as there was a deep recognition of the power, presence and grace that permeated the room.
7 Thanksgiving Rituals To Awaken Gratitude
Here are 7 practices to awaken your natural state of gratitude this Thanksgiving:
Spotlight on a Spirit Coach®: Amy Galanti
Take a moment to read about this amazing facilitator of spirit. She may be just the person to assist you in actualizing your spirit’s vision in the world creating more peace, harmony and clarity in your life.
Miracle Healing in Arizona
I just returned from an amazing trip to see Sara O’Meara, and this trip was extra special because Padre Paul came with me. I can’t tell you how wonderful it was to have two such amazing healers under one roof. As you can imagine, we blew that roof right off!