Spotlight on a Spirit Coach®: Amy Galanti
Take a moment to read about this amazing facilitator of spirit. She may be just the person to assist you in actualizing your spirit’s vision in the world creating more peace, harmony and clarity in your life.
Amy Galanti is a Master Certified Spirit Coach®. She has a Masters in Therapy and is a teacher level graduate from The Foundation for Spiritual Development. Amy has assisted in Spirit Coach Trainings and has been coaching for many years. Learn more about her here:
What inspired you to be a Spirit Coach: Being confronted with my own health challenges at a young age, led me to dig deeper into understanding what causes dis-ease and discover how one can heal themselves. From my own spiritual journey, I realized that dis-ease of all kinds manifest on the energetic and spiritual level, before it shows up in the mind and body. I’ve spent 16 years exploring many different kinds of healing modalities ranging from psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, energy healing and various alternative healing methods. When I discovered the Spirit Coach® Method, and began integrating the energetic practices and tools into my life, the blocks and stored energetic patterns were releasing, allowing my mind and body to heal. This led to an experience of inner and outer freedom in my life. As well as a deeper connection with my spirit and the divine, which led to my inspiration to share the Spirit Coaching Method with others.
Share one of your favorite Spirit Coaching moments: My favorite Spirit Coaching moment was being guided to practice the 3 C’s, Centering, Clearing and Connecting. I was surprised by how powerfully it changed my perception and experience of myself and my life. I felt present, peaceful and a deeper connection to myself and spirit. This empowered me to choose to co-create my reality and live a life with more joy and peace.
Share one of your many client success stories: Recently I worked with a client and I introduced her to Spirit Bubble. I led her through a meditation where she accessed the color of her Spirit Bubble that would support her being in a positive vibration. Then I asked her to surround herself with this color. She was so excited to discover that her mental chatter became still, the pain in her knee dissipated while also experiencing a deep inner calm. This was a completely new experience that inspired her to commit to a daily spiritual practice.
What type of clients do you like to work with: Clients that have a desire and commitment, to let go and release old patterns that have left them feeling stuck. Being in a place where they are feeling ready to break free from their past limitations, into more freedom to be who they are in the world. Allowing them to create a life that is more fulfilling and full of joy.
Share a Spirit Coaching quick tip you’d like to leave readers with: When using intention setting at the beginning of your day, see a color that represents that intention. Then hold your intention color in front of you or around you, and watch how your day unfolds easily and with less effort.