The Holy Woman Relics Retreat

Reverence is the word that comes to mind when I think of entering the room with 70 Relics of The Holy Women Saints in Arizona. As we walked into The Shrine of Holy Wisdom where I held the Relic Retreat, tears flowed immediately as there was a deep recognition of the power, presence and grace that permeated the room. It was undeniable; regardless of our individual spiritual beliefs, there was a palpable energy that took each person’s breath away. A deep recognition emerged that we were with a group of women who had followed the path to Divine embodiment, and we had a sense that this is possible for all of us.

With such tender compassion in the room, it was easy to open to the possibilities that existed for our own awakening. The tenderness in our hearts allowed for an opening, a crack in the hard shell we all build around our hearts, so that more light could enter. When we allowed this crack to open, so much of the pain of the past poured out, and this is what made room for a tremendous amount of light to take up residence. For one participant, a long-standing issue of pain in her back mysteriously vanished after doing the exercise of releasing her heartache. This was one of the miracles we received, but perhaps the greatest miracle of all was this: in the presence of these holy women, who were able to be the light of God in service under much more difficult conditions than those we face, we knew that we too could overcome our own difficulties and live from a place of love and service.

Although these women are saints, like all of us they also began humbly on their paths, committed to their union with the Divine and most importantly, devoted to the path of Love. As Teresa of Avila said so eloquently, ” If you want to make progress on the path and ascend to the places you have longed for, the important thing is not to think much but to love much, and so to do whatever best awakens you to love.”

This is what is needed now as we embark upon a time of great change. For Love calls us to serve the greater good not for our own gain and not from a place of fear, but rather by rising up in our devotion to Love. This becomes an act of service, and even the small acts matter, especially now. Therese of Lisieux says it this way: “May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.”

We can learn so much from these women mystics who, despite the power structures that tried to contain them and keep them quiet, rose up and shared their wisdom and great Love with the world.
There is nothing that can repress our light but our own selves. When like the saints we understand that we are holy, we will no longer hide our light, and we will give the gifts we have been given to serve the world.

St. Joan Elizabeth Bichier des Ages, who lived during the time of the French Revolution and was unknown to me before this retreat, began to speak to me telepathically. I heard very clearly, and in rhyme no less, these words of wisdom:

“Change comes
And this will always be
Yet there is an eternal Presence
That showers upon thee
Grab thy spark and set it free
For this is what exists in you and me.”

Now is the time to acknowledge the Divine within and “set thy spark free.”

May Your Spark Be Ignited,


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