Love Is What It Is: Healing Miracles with Padre Paul
They came from different places, arriving to the Four Points Sheraton in San Rafael, some expecting miracles and others not knowing what to expect. I heard people say as they entered the large room that they felt a presence. It was palpable even before the day had begun.
The altar was set in the front of the room. Every tradition and interpretation of the Divine seemed to be present. It radiated a light of love that is common in all sacred and mystical traditions. Everyone could feel at home by finding a version of the Divine that resonated with them-the point being to open the heart to the love that was already within.
I found myself in a not unusual role of both participant and event coordinator. It gave me a wonderful perspective, as I was able to engage with so many people before, during, and after their experience with Padre Paul Funfsinn at the West of Heaven Event. Miracles seemed to abound in all their many shapes and forms. I’ll start with my own.
That’s me in the photo above, falling backwards. I wasn’t pushed, nor did I just let go and hope someone would catch me. A light so bright and so strong entered my body, and the weight of it literally knocked me over. Not like a car crash or even a push or shove, but a gentle, loving presence with the strength to move mountains enveloped me and I fell backwards. The fall wasn’t really the point; it was the presence of the Divine that filled me on all levels of my being and remained with me long after I was a mere puddle on the floor. There was such a sweetness there that, if I could have, I probably would have been smiling from ear to ear (maybe I was). I don’t know really how I appeared on the outside, as it was all about the inside. Inside me was a feeling of wholeness where God was no longer separate from me, nor was S/He in any way outside of my mind, body, or spirit. This oneness lent itself to an awareness of what is. It seemed to be bigger than the universe and safer than my own bed. In this experience, you know who you are and that only love exists, that fear is an illusion made up by the mind. This kind of experience changes you because you can no longer see the world the same way, and for this I am profoundly grateful.
I laid on the floor for what seemed to be a long time, as the event had come to a close and many of the participants were stepping across me to make their way to the front of the room to express there gratitude to Paul. Even though I wanted to get up, I couldn’t and quite happily let people walk over me. Eventually, though, I stood up and returned to my role of serving others, but I knew I was not the same, nor would I ever be.
Miracles came in so many forms, and because many of the attendees were my students, clients, and friends, I had the privilege of hearing many of their stories. If I had to pick one word in common with all of them, it would be the word “profound.” This is what I heard over and over again. “My experience was profound!” And of course “profound” is the perfect word to describe the ineffable, the healing miracles, and the experience of the Divine in whatever form that takes. Paul Funfsinn being a conduit for this profound healing that he calls Holy Spirit created a trail of miracles in his wake.
Katie (not her real name) had an ulcer in her stomach completely disappear without any feeling of effort. She described it as becoming instantly whole, recognizing that this was indeed her natural state and she had only been falsely believing that she was less than whole. Judy (not her real name) had cancer that had metastasized (notice the past tense), but after experiencing her own miracle that day, she left with a conviction that she was on her way to total health. Beth, who wasn’t even going to come to the event, had a different kind of miracle, a lesson in faith, if you will. I called Beth the night before and told her that her spirit guide had contacted me and had said it would be in her benefit for her to come (her guide was very insistent that I call her, even despite my initial resistance). Beth explained to me on the phone that she didn’t want to spend the money right now and wasn’t planning on coming but would reconsider because she was grateful for the guidance. Beth followed the guidance and walked into the event that morning. There was a man standing at the entrance who asked her, not knowing her financial situation, if she would like a free ticket because he had an extra one. Of course, Beth was elated and stunned at both the kindness of a stranger and the miracle in play that she recognized as God’s hand at work for her benefit. This brought more healing than you could imagine, mostly to know with the deep resonance of her heart and soul that God was supporting her at every turn (and the day hadn’t even begun yet).
Perhaps the less dramatic miracles were even more significant. I noticed people sobbing for no reason whatsoever, where others were glued to their chairs and could not move, even during the breaks, as they were so overcome by the Divine energy present in the room. Later, when I spoke with some of these people, they described their experience to me as if they felt “a lightness of being,” that something burdensome had been lifted and been replaced with what could only be described as Love.
And Love is what it was and continues to be. I hope that those of you reading this can feel the love and healing miracles that are always accessible to all of us. Whether you have the opportunity to experience Padre Paul as a conduit of God’s love and healing or not, you too can reach out and claim this Love for yourself. It is, after all, who you are.
In Love & Gratitude for YOU,