How to Bless Your Home


Our homes are our sacred space, but sometimes they just don’t feel that way. Making our homes feel good can happen with the right intention and the right tools. Here are some suggestions for blessing your house and turning it into your own healing sanctuary.

1. First take a few moments to center yourself. You can meditate or breathe deeply into your heart or even visualize yourself feeling your best. For a free guided meditation on how to get yourself Centered, Clear, and Connected go to

2. Visualize the protection of a bubble of gold light around yourself before you begin.

3. Place something sacred to you (i.e. cornmeal, sage, flour, holy water, a crystal, etc.) at the four corners of your property with a blessing of the Creator. Use an X pattern when walking to the corners rather than a square around the perimeter. This will give any discordant energies a chance to leave, rather than get trapped. The blessing says the land is now in accordance with the Creator, and the effect is that any non-aligned energies must move up and out of that space. You can imagine sinking a column of Creator light in each corner of your home. Then place a column in the center of the house to act as a grounding cord. Imagine this grounding cord connecting to the center of the earth.

4. Go from room to room with some burning sage or incense or a Tibetan bowl or chime. Smudge or chime with the intention of bringing the house now in accordance with the Creator and moving out any non-aligned energies. Start from the least effected room and work your way to the most effected.

5. Imagine a guardian to protect your property, watch over it, and continually bless your home and its inhabitants (i.e., bring in an ally of the Creator: a guardian guide, an angel, a color, a symbol, etc.).

6. Set your Intentions for the house in the center, that is, the qualities you would like to be present in your home every day. For example, my Intention is for my home to be a loving, peaceful, harmonious sanctuary of healing and creativity. State your intention out loud. Tune into the color(s) that hold this healing vibration for your home. Imagine these beautiful colors filling your home. Any time you would like to reset your intention for your home, you can imagine these colors radiating throughout your home.

7. Speak out loud your house blessing or prayer.

Suggestion for a House Blessing Prayer or better yet, create your own:

Creator, we are thankful for all the love you share, which heals us and heals those who have gone before us.

Shine your divine light upon this home and those who dwell within its walls.

Allow it to be a place where friendship, joy, and generosity (or add your own to match your Intentions) can prosper.

May all those who enter here feel your loving presence and be at peace.

And so it is.


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