How To Create A Vision Board from Spirit


Every year, I sit down and create a vision board for my year. Vision Boards contain images of all the things you would like to manifest this year. Instead of just randomly picking images that appeal to me out of various magazines, I do my Vision Board a little differently. My mind has all kinds of ideas about what my life should look like, but it really doesn’t know what will truly fulfill me on a heart and soul level. So when I am visioning, I let my spirit be my guide. It always leads me to my highest and best path. If you take a risk and are willing to get out of your mind, you will find it is there your greatest life experience awaits you. Here is how you create a Vision Board from spirit.

1. Get a stack of magazines, a whiteboard, a pair of scissors and some glue stick.

2. Then, get out of your mind. First take a few moments to center yourself. You can meditate, breathe deeply into your heart, or even visualize yourself feeling your best. For a free guided meditation on how to get yourself Centered, Clear, and Connected go to

3. Layout your magazines and imagine which one is lighting up. This is the magazine your spirit is guiding you to pick up. Use your intuition, the voice of spirit, as it will guide you.

4. Before you open the magazine, close your eyes and see a page number appear. This is coming from your spirit’s guidance. Open the magazine to that page number.

5. Once you are on the correct page, see the image or words light up that you are supposed to cut out for your Vision Board. Even if you don’t yet understand what the image means to you or what the words convey about your future life, allow yourself to claim it. Over time, it will become clear to you. This is stretching you beyond your limits, and it will lead to a limitless life.

6. Repeat this process until you have enough images that you feel complete. Again, let your spirit guide you.

7. Glue them on your board, letting your intuition be your guide as to how to collage the images.

8. Hang your Vision Board somewhere you can see it. This brings awareness into your day-to-day experience about what you are creating.

I am always amazed at how accurate my spirit is about what I am creating in my life. This process will help you tune into what is most aligned for you and manifest it with ease and grace. Take the time to let your spirit lead you to your highest and best life experience.


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