Living Intuitively


If you’re ready for your intuition to rise up in you, join us for this amazing opportunity to learn how to ignite this power that has always lived inside you. Some of the benefits that you will receive when you join this self-directed online course is: Guidance by two spiritual teachers who have spent a lifetime developing and cultivating their intuition, Gina Lake and Jenai Lane. Practical tools to build the muscle of intuition. A course of study that builds your intuition through simple practices and direct guidance. This is a comprehensive online course that gives you videos, audios, written materials, meditations and practical tools that allow you to learn through different mediums. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to optimize your clarity, discernment and joy in your life. It’s time to remember.

Early Bird Pricing

Have you ever read a self-help book and wished you could have a guide, a built-in support system, someone who is holding you accountable for practicing what it is you are learning?

I know I have.

What if you could learn tools to transform your life and be guided in the process by the author of that book? Discover a guidance system where your questions are answered directly. Where you are held in a safe container and learn in an environment with others, tapping into the wisdom of the group and creating community. Where you get to contribute, learn, and take your growth to the next level.

So often on the path of spiritual growth, we somehow aren’t seeing the sustainable results we would like to. Yes, we may get a quick fix here and there but the changes rarely last. What if you could gain access to a sustainable, proven method of transformation that has been transforming leaders on their paths of awakening for over a decade?

The truth is that reading about something more often than not is just an intellectual exercise, but applying the tools we learn in our own lives is actually what creates transformation. Take the next step toward actualizing your Divine potential.

A Spirit-Led Life: Group Coaching to Awaken Your Greatest Vision, Fulfillment & the Spirit in YOU.

Eight Weeks of Group Distance Learning
Now on Wednesday’s at 5:30 p.m. Pacific & 8:30 p.m. Eastern

Are you ready to transform yourself and your life?

This eight-week process is yours for only $397. This includes weekly group coaching sessions with me, weekly lesson plans and homeplay to integrate what you are learning into your life (yes it’s called play because it is fun), guided meditations, audio replay of all the calls, live chat on the calls and interactive on-line community, and so much more.

This course always sells out. Register now to ensure your spot.

Join me in a group coaching process that offers sustainable transformation and non-dogmatic tools you can use for the rest of your life for a fraction of the cost to coach with me one-on-one. In a small committed group, you will receive the guidance you need to learn to be spirit led. Tap into the group energy and support. Connect to my intuitive guidance and let me coach you toward a spirit-led life—where your inner visionary, gifts, and true genius live.

During this course, you will learn to:

• Access your inner vision—the contribution you are here to make
• Discover a spiritual practice that can transform your life now
• Be true to yourself, gaining more energy, clarity, and inspiration
• Do less and be more, saving you hours of wasted time every day
• Let go of negative thoughts and feelings from your past and present
• Access that sweet spot where all your best ideas live
• Increase joy, peace, and freedom in your life
• Align to your highest self by using practical, non-dogmatic tools

You will also receive:

• Group coaching and the support of a spirit-based community
• Receive healing from divine guides and helpers
• A sacred space conducive for deep personal growth work
• Eight weeks of small group distance learning (includes weekly live calls with Jenai, meditations, exercises, recordings, Playbook, an interactive learning community and so much more)