LIVING INTUITIVELY: Develop Your Connection to Your Soul’s Wisdom and to Angels, Masters and Guides
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” -Einstein
Imagine having unshakable intuition, clarity with ease in all your choices, feeling grounded in your own truth, and knowing your next step onto your highest path.
ARE YOU READY TO LIVE THE LIFE YOUR SOUL INTENDED? Join us, Gina Lake and Jenai Lane, in this amazing course and learn to ignite the power of your intuition, which will lead to greater clarity, deep truth, and direct guidance and help you navigate this human life with ease, grace, and joy. In this course, you will develop this SPIRITUAL SUPERPOWER and gain discernment and guidance from your soul's wisdom, angels, guides, and Ascended Masters. Imagine what it would be like to have UNSHAKABLE INTUITION! This is your birthright. Your intuition is the key to creating your best life yet and to changing the world for the better. Gina Lake and Jenai Lane have created this course to help you do that!
LIVING INTUITIVELY is a self-directed and self-paced 8-week online course on a beautiful, user-friendly platform, where you can listen, read, or watch the course materials on your computer, tablet, or phone. Each week, you will receive guided meditations, video and audio talks, practices, inquiries, and other activities to engage in, which you will always have access to.
Activate Your Greatest Superpower: Your Intuition!

You will be guided by two spiritual teachers who have spent a lifetime cultivating their intuition, Gina Lake & Jenai Lane.
Ignite this superpower that has always lived inside of you.
If you’re ready for your intuition to rise up in you, join us for this amazing course to learn how to ignite this power that will lead you to clarity, deep truth and direct guidance so you can navigate the human maze with ease, grace and joy.
Everyone of us was born with the superpower of intuition; it has just been undervalued in our culture at a great cost. Because we have negated and dismissed the feminine, we have also made intuition another feminine attribute to ignore. It’s time for every woman, man and child to remember intuition as our Divine birthright. It is the internal GPS that we all came in with, to navigate the human maze. Now more than ever, we need intuition to rise up and take the lead in our lives. When intuition leads, Love is leading. This is because intuition is the voice of the true Self. We can’t afford to ignore it any longer in our own lives and in the world. It is time to remember!
Boundless Benefits When You Join
During this course you will learn to:
Connect with and Receive Guidance from Angels, Masters, and Guides
Discern Between the Voice of the Ego and Your Intuition
Trust Your Intuition, Trust Life, and Relinquish Self-Doubt
Live More in the Present Moment and as Your True Self
Become More Available to Guidance from Other Dimensional Beings
Overcome Negativity and Raise Your Vibration
Overcome Blocks to Developing and Using Your Intuition
Align with Your Soul’s Intentions and Gain Clarity About Your Choices
Move from Five Sensory to Six Sensory Living
Activate Your Inner GPS
Tap Into Your Unique Gifts
Open the Doorway to Your Divinity
Move out of Fear and Act from Love
You will also receive:
Gina’s New BooK: Angels, Masters & Guides, How to Work with Them to Receive Heal and Accelerate Your Spiritual Evolution
Guided meditations MP3’s to use forever
Practical tools to build the muscle of intuition
An understanding of why intuition is so important in your life and how you can best use it
A course of study that builds your intuition through simple practices and direct guidance
You get to go at your own pace in this course and discover the power of your own intuition as you go
Guidance from two spiritual teachers who share how they developed their intuitive guidance
Eight weeks of distance learning where you can go at your own pace (includes meditations, videos, exercises, audio recordings, written materials, an interactive learning community, and so much more)
Start boosting your intuition now.
This eight-week process that lasts for a lifetime is yours for $333.
You have a 30-day trial period. If you're not 100% satisfied with this online course, we'll refund your money.
We respect your privacy, so your data will never be sold or disclosed.
Contact us at coach@spiritcoachtraining.com

About Your Teachers
Jenai Lane has been hearing voices for a long time. When an Ascended Master appeared to her in 3-D many years ago, it catapulted her onto the fast path of awakening. As an award-winning entrepreneur, Jenai works with business leaders to become spirit-led accessing their hidden genius through the vehicle of intuition and guidance from the higher realms. She is the creator of the Spirit Coach® Method, a non-dogmatic approach to aligning with one’s spirit. Jenai is the author of, What Would Love Say?, Spirit Led Instead: The Little Playbook of Limitless Transformation and Spirit Led Instead Playbook. Jenai leads retreats in Sedona and to other sacred sites where miracles are commonplace. She can show you how to discover your true spirit, ignite your spiritual superpowers and awaken out of your ego identity where freedom, peace and fulfillment reside.
Gina Lake is a nondual spiritual teacher and the author of over twenty-five books about awakening to one’s true nature. She is also an astrologer and a channel with a master's degree in Counseling Psychology and over thirty years’ experience supporting people in their spiritual growth. Gina realized she could pose a question mentally and get an answer mentally. Three years later, a very beneficial relationship with a wise nonphysical being began. This being was her inner teacher, mentor, and healer and behind her books up until 2012, when an important shift happened. In 2012, Jesus began dictating books through her, which she receives in the same way that Helen Schucman received A Course in Miracles. These teachings from Jesus are nondual (Oneness) teachings, based on universal truth, not on any religion. They are messages of love and peace and how to be an expression of that in your life.
Module 1: What Intuition Is and Why You Need It
In this module, you will learn all about the intuition, including how to distinguish between your thoughts and your intuition. You will also be given a phrase to help you become more receptive to your intuition. And you will discover how to open up to receiving transmissions from the Masters. You will also be given an effective practice to build the muscle of your intuition, which you can use throughout this course. And you’ll receive a bonus gift, a PDF of Gina’s new book, Angels, Masters, and Guides.
Module 2: Get into the Flow to Amplify Your Intuition
In this module, you will learn the two most important things that will help you receive intuitive guidance. You’ll also learn how to use prayer to connect with spiritual forces and how best to receive help from them. You’ll be given practices to activate your intuition, and you’ll also be given a simple tool to get out of your mind and into your intuition. You’ll also receive another bonus gift, a PDF of Return to Essence about how to be in the flow and make choices in your life that lead to greater fulfillment, happiness, and ease.
Module 3: Cultivating Trust in Your Intuition
In this module, you will learn why intuition has been suppressed in our culture and why intuition is especially important to develop now. You’ll learn how to trust your intuition, which will also help you to trust life, and what to do when doubts arise. And you’ll be given a method for working with your Inner Child and freeing yourself from negative beliefs that interfere with trusting your intuition.
Module 4: Doorways into Presence and the Intuitive Realm
In this module, you will learn how to move out of the egoic state of consciousness into Presence using guided meditations and other practices. You will learn to experience yourself as aliveness and Awareness. You will also learn how to apply humility to super charge your intuition and its effectiveness in your life.
Module 5: Tools for Accessing Your Intuition
In this module, you will learn the most effective tools for easily and effortlessly accessing your intuition and developing clairsentience, clairvoyance, and clairaudience. You will learn how to become centered, clear, and connected. You’ll be shown how to use books to receive intuitive guidance, and you’ll be given a flash card exercise to develop your ability to receive images in your mind‘s eye. And you will learn how to discern whether something is a yes or a no when faced with a decision.
Module 6: Tools for Raising Your Vibration to Allow Greater Access to Intuitive Guidance
In this module, you will learn how to empty out the clutter in your mind, clear out your energy field, and turn up your vibration so that you can access your intuition, experience more joy and peace in your life, and hear the Masters, guides, and angels. You will also learn how to align your chakras so that you can easily receive messages and inner knowings.
Module 7: Connecting with Guides and Masters
In this module, you will learn how guides and Ascended Masters work with you and how to invite them to support you on your life’s journey. You will learn how these beautiful beings use signs and symbols to guide you and seven reasons why you may not be receiving from Masters and some solutions. You will also learn how to connect to the Ascended Masters during dreamtime and elevate your spiritual growth while you’re sleeping. And you will be given a guided meditation that will help you receive transmissions from the Masters.
Module 8: Intuition, Integrity, and Ethics
In this module, you will learn how to use your intuition ethically and with integrity and in a way that is congruent with the highest good. You will learn how to discern between what is aligned with Love and what is not aligned with Love in the spirit realm. You will also receive some suggested next steps from Gina and Jenai after completing this course.

You don’t want to miss this opportunity to optimize your clarity, discernment and joy in your life. It’s time to remember!
What people are saying about Jenai’s online courses:
“This course is like a soft pillow to fall upon. I am so grateful to Jenai and this beautiful group for all of the support amidst so much immense change!”
“I came feeling that every cell in my body was in reaction to the suffering on the planet, and at the end of the call, every cell was in the highest vibration of peace. It is hard to imagine living through this time without the support of Jenai and this class. You are like my breathing tube to the water’s surface, where I can have all the air I need!”
“I am profoundly grateful I headed the ‘call’ to join this class. It touched something deep within me that I have been looking for, my High Spiritual Heart. Something has been awakened in me and I can no longer pretend to be small. The planet is so lined up for healing right now and I am as well.”
“The primary reason I am drawn to what Jenai offers is that her energy and example open all of us in ways we don't completely understand. There is so much going on at so many levels. My awareness and connection to Source continues to grow richer and deeper. This growth is the most fulfilling experience of my life.”
“The things that moved me most were that you serve each of us on our own path and you offer Incarnational Spirituality focusing on the Divine within. I felt that in these things you spoke directly to my needs, my intentions, my personal path. In the class, I felt served in all these areas. It was a rich and healing experience.”
“As Jenai evolves in her own spiritual journey, the Spirit Led Programs continue to elevate. Each time I feel the expansion and power of the Masters and the Divine Entities working with us more fully. This is why I keep returning; it is always evolving and I receive more of what I need in that moment.”
“I look forward to these classes every time! I feel an immense gratitude that I can be in a safe place to shine my true self! The energy offered in these classes has helped me peel off those stubborn layers of my false self. I have experienced profound healing beyond my understanding…and most of all an increased level of self-love that I take with me; it is priceless!”
“Each experience is even more amazing than the one before. Thank you for all you do to bring this heavenly energy into our lives.”
Frequently Asked Questions:
+ How long do I have to complete this course?
This course is available 24/7 online. You can stop or start at any time. It will remain accessible indefinately. You can go at your own pace.
+ Can you explain a little more about how the course works?
All the videos, materials, content, and recorded meditations are all online so you can access them at any time. You will work within the online portal which contains teaching both in written, video, photo and audio formats so whatever type of learner you are, you will receive what you need. Every week, the course materials come out for that week and you can work (and play) with them in your own timing that works for you. You can post your shares, questions, comments and homeplay (it’s not called homework because it’s fun) throughout the course. You can also comment, interact and exchange ideas and support with everyone in the group.
+ How much time will I be putting into this course?
This is a very rich and in depth course. It is up to you how much time you put into it. As you practice the tools, your intuition will get stronger, and your life will get better.