Increase Your Healing Capacity with Self Love
Raise your level of self-love, self-compassion and self-kindness in this video. Self-love is knowing, as a felt-sense, that you are Love. This knowing automatically raises your level of self-compassion and self-kindness. You will learn a technique to nurture self-love so it can grow, because it is behind every co-creative impulse that we take. Increase your self-love and you will increase your ability to co-create in this world.
Staying Connected to Love in Times of Fear
This is a message of love at a time of great fear. If you are a lightworker, you came here to be the light at just this time when fear is so rampant.
Watch this short video about The Sedona Retreat...receive the healing energy.
Sedona is a special place for me. The energy here is like a portal of creativity, clarity and Divine inspiration. Sedona is where I met my first spirit guide and channeled my book, and experienced satoris. I would like to share with you this same opportunity to receive exactly what you need at this time in your own spiritual evolution.
May You Have Clear Vision in 2020 Directly From Your Spirit
Happy New Year! I often turn to reading and writing poetry to ask the beautiful, meaningful questions that give rise to the beautiful, wise answers in return. In the New Year, there is a collective group agreement to begin again, a rebirth of sorts that if beckoned forward calls out the most glorious, magnificent part of ourselves-our spirit.
Video: How Do I Discover My Purpose
This is one of the most asked questions that I have received over the years as a Spirit Coach®. In this video, I describe what purpose really is and what it isn’t; giving you some tools to access this truth within you, that can only really be revealed by you.
So Grateful For The Healing Miracles - 7 Practices To Cultivate Gratitude Today
What if you put down your wounding and love could flow through you freely? This was the feeling state we all left the Santa Fe Retreat with. As we walked with the Holy Mother on pilgrimage to Chimayo, we discovered that healing is not only possible; it can be instantaneous when we open to our innate wholeness that already dwells within.
What is a Transmission?
For years the Ascended Masters have been appearing to me and teaching me directly, often through transmission. When I asked them “What is a transmission?” they replied, “A transmission is God waking up to herself.” This made perfect sense to me, as I have found many times when sitting with God-realized beings that I, too, recognize the God in me through the energy they are transmitting.
Transmuting Your Trauma
Have you experienced the spiritual bypass where you transcended trauma but did not transmute it? I know I did. I would like to share with you what I discovered about transmuting trauma which has been life-changing, personally, and affects my work with individuals and groups.
Inspiring Images of Healing from Chimayo and the Santa Fe Retreat
Watch this short video and be inspired with healing energy from Chimayo and the Santa Fe Retreat. You can tell from the photos what a loving, joyous, heart-opening experience we all had.
Sacred Sites Where We Can Heal
Did you know that there are sacred sites around the planet where healing codes are activated? You can visit these places and receive healing and transmit this healing to others.
The Humility Transmission
Are you struggling with unworthiness? Watch this video and shift your consciousness.
Just Returned From A Powerful Sedona Vortex
The Sedona vortexes are conduits of energy that activate within us that which has been dormant. As I walked up to a very special vortex, I could feel the possibility of something not yet discovered in me. This was sacred Native American ground. The holiest of places, for it contained both the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine frequencies holding a perfectly balanced wholeness for the planet.
Devotion Awakens The Spiritual Heart
Learn how to bring more devotion into your spiritual practice and into your life in this short video. The path of devotion, known in the Hindu tradition as the Bhakti path, is rooted in the feminine aspects of the Divine.
Apparition From My Miracle Healing Pilgrimage to Sedona, Arizona
I took a personal retreat in Arizona to prepare for bringing a group to see Sara O’Meara. I always ask to be prepared to hold a sacred container for a group, so that I can be filled up before I act as a conduit. This is a great practice and one I am reminded of every time I hear a stewardess say, “Secure your own oxygen mask before assisting others.”
Softening Our Suffering Healing Our Pain
Learn how to soften your suffering and begin to heal your pain in this short video. We seem to judge our pain, whether it is physical or emotional.
How to Set New Year's Intentions For an In-Spirit 2019
Many of us create New Year’s resolutions or goals but I set intentions for the year. I have found that many a goal or resolution has gone unmet because I did not take the time to set my intentions first. At the beginning of every year, I sit down, get centered, clear and connected and receive my intentions for the year.
Self-Realization Through Love & Acceptance
You will never please everyone! You will never please those who do not know how to please themselves. When you look outside yourself for a reflection of who you are, it will always be from a skewed perspective - from the perspective of someone else’s issues.
Take One Minute To Center Yourself
So often we feel scattered, overwhelmed and out of balance. In this video, I will share a quick centering technique to move back into balance bringing one hundred percent of your energy into this now moment. This is where your peace, power and presence can be found. Then you can meet the world from a place of balance and wholeness.
7 Practices To Cultivate Gratitude
In this video I share some practices to expand your natural state of gratitude within you, spreading it to those you love until it reverberates around the whole world. What I do know for sure is that gratitude is a miracle worker in our lives.
In this video, I will share a tool to help you remember your Essence, and my memory of incarnating into this lifetime.
Why The Divine Feminine Must Rise + Release Your Judgement
In this short video you will learn why the Divine feminine has to rise up to stand in equality with the Divine masculine. In case you haven’t noticed, we are living in a world out of balance because the feminine has been suppressed, negated, denied, abused and ignored.