May You Have Clear Vision in 2020 Directly From Your Spirit
Happy New Year! I often turn to reading and writing poetry to ask the beautiful, meaningful questions that give rise to the beautiful, wise answers in return. In the New Year, there is a collective group agreement to begin again, a rebirth of sorts that if beckoned forward calls out the most glorious, magnificent part of ourselves-our spirit. This part can readily answer the questions as the poet, Mary Oliver puts it, "What is the gift I should bring into this world? What is the life I should live?"
I want you to look back on 2020 in a year from now and say, "Yes, I lived from my essence, I birthed my gifts and served the greater good while dwelling in the deep joy that can only come from living from Love."
One thing I know for certain is we do not live in a vacuum. Our ego maintains the illusion of the separate self but in reality we are connected to everything. This connection calls to us in a whisper, "Belong to this world." What if we can increase our belonging as a felt sense, traveling the path with others who are committed to this deepening into Source and walking in this world with a lightness and grace that makes us giggle at ourselves and smile at the beauty of the world. This is especially possible when we take the hands of others and walk together in spiritual community. Here are some ways to join us in the celebration of our souls and the evolution of embodying our divinity in our humanity as a pathway to love. I look forward to connecting with you in 2020.
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"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
-Mary Oliver