Why You May Not Trust Yourself
You can never have too much trust in your Self. The problem with going along through the years and ignoring our intuition is not only that you are not led down the most aligned path for you, but that you just stop trusting your Self. Every time we hear our intuition but ignore it, it sends a signal that we do not trust. Eventually, we just stop hearing it all together. Our intuition is our Spirit speaking to us. If we ignore this voice, we become disconnected from the part of our self that is infinite and can lead us to fulfilling our life purpose. The good news is at any point we can recognize this and make a commitment to our Self by listening and following our inner guidance. Every time we do, we expand our capacity to trust our Self and move forward on our Spirit's path. This is the beginning of living a Spirit-led life. Each day, take a few moments to carve out some quiet time, listen to your Spirit by asking the question, "What do I need to know today?" Listen carefully, it may be a small, subtle voice but the more you listen, over time, the louder it gets. Do not judge the answers you receive, even if they do not make sense. In fact, if they don't make sense, you know, they are not coming from your mind. The language of our intuition is just that a language so it takes patience to understand it. The good news is your were born fluent so it won't be long before you remember. Use it and it will grow, and as it does, you will expand your capacity to live your highest and best life.