How To Follow The Voice of Spirit


How many times have you heard that small subtle voice nudge you in a certain direction and instead, you ignored it? I know I have done this many times before. This is the voice of spirit; it is easy to ignore when our minds are running the show, but it just may save your life or another’s life. I mean this both, literally and metaphorically.

I was on a plane from Philadelphia to Las Vegas that I wasn’t supposed to be on. For some reason, unbeknownst to me, I flew to Pittsburgh, when I was supposed to be in Philadelphia. It seemed ridiculous, yet some part of me had to trust that spirit had a reason for this costly mistake. On my way back to San Francisco, I was on a flight that I would have otherwise not been on, if I hadn’t flown to the wrong city. In any case, here I was on my way home.

Since I was one of the first people on the plane and there was no assigned seating, I listened to that small voice of spirit that guided me about halfway down the aisle where I sat in a window seat. Normally, I would not even hesitate, and sit toward the front of the plane, given the opportunity to be the first off, but this time I was listening to spirit.

About a half-hour into the flight, the woman seated directly in front of me started having some kind of a problem; she couldn’t breathe. The stewardess started calling out if there were any doctors, nurses or paramedics on the plane. She announced they were planning on making an emergency landing. I recognized in that moment, spirit had placed me directly behind this woman, who was practically in my lap, for a reason. I began to use some of the healing techniques I teach in my seminars. I let my spirit lead me as to exactly what I needed to do. Within fifteen minutes the woman with heart palpitations was extremely calm. Her symptoms subsided. She was breathing normally and feeling peaceful again. The plane continued to our destination and I was happy to be of service.

When I follow my spirit’s guidance, this type of experience happens to me all the time. I seem to be at the right place, at the right time to give my contribution whatever it may be. I often do not know what it is until I am in the situation. The truth is I don’t have to know because I am not the doer. When I open up and let myself be a vehicle for spirit, miracles happen. I find there is nothing more fulfilling than this.

Following the voice of spirit will lead you to your highest and best life. When we live the life we came here to live, there is no greater achievement. Wherever you are in your life today, make a commitment to listen to that small subtle voice of spirit; it will lead you where you need to go, one step at a time.

Tips for Following The Voice of Spirit

1. Sit still and imagine breathing in peace, and exhaling out, anything other than peace. Repeat 10 to 20 times.

2. Journal from your spirit. Ask your spirit, what do I need to know today? Open up and see what comes through.

3. Let yourself be led. Take an hour without any agenda, see where your spirit guides you to. Trust yourself, you’ll be amazed at what shows up.

4. Download a free chapter of Spirit Led Instead, and begin learning tools to let your spirit lead you to your highest and best life.

Your spirit knows the way. Make a commitment today to be spirit led instead. Thank you for walking this path.


Why You May Not Trust Yourself


Interview with Jenai Lane and Grace Dammann, MD