Redefining Success


Climbing the ladder to success doesn’t really work like we “think” it does. Think being the operative word. We think if we work harder and harder, one day we will enjoy the success we have achieved. Yet, even if we arrive at this made up future point in time, we won’t be able to enjoy it because we have been so busy climbing the ladder that this all we know how to do. Recognizing this before we let the fantasy of success run our lives can make the difference between the illusion of success and real success. Success can only be determined by your own inner essence that part of you that knows who you are and what you really want in this incarnation. Success is actually a state of consciousness that already exists within you now. You do not have to wait for some future point where X Y and Z happens to feel successful. Claim it now and you will be it. This is where you find true and lasting success.


Embodying The Light Meditation


Stop Measuring and Start Enjoying Your Life