One Question That Will Stop You Judging
What if you let go of trying to be right? What if you expressed neither pro nor con around something that you are currently thinking about? If you were to see the world without the illusion of duality, you would see beyond right or wrong. This is a system of elaborate learning and the light mirrors the dark, just as the dark mirrors the light. That in fact, without this duality, there is no learning to be had. If this is the case, then when you are wrong or right, it is the same. This requires one to stop taking their internal thoughts so personally. To realize that one’s thoughts also operate in this duality. Understanding this concept can free you of a mind that constantly judges. Freedom can only come, when judgment ceases.
When you find yourself judging, ask yourself this question, “What if this thought is not true?” Notice how this question changes your relationship to the judgment you are having. If you understand the judgment may be false, you have no need to continue judging. Imagine how much more room you create for peace of mind.