Five Ways to Connect to Your Untapped Resource of Divine Inspiration


Don’t neglect what you can’t see. There is a huge untapped resource of Divine inspiration, joy, love, creative genius…and the list goes on in the unseen realms. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Your potential is only limited by your inability to recognize you are so much more than you “think”. When we open up to the world beyond the limits of our minds, we begin to see the infinite resources available to us. Take the time to believe in this innate part of you that is connected to something larger. Whatever you call this Divine input is irrelevant. It is just important that you call on it regularly.

1. Ask. Ask for it. If we do not ask, we will not receive. Practice asking early in the morning or before you go to bed at night, then, listen for the nudges of spirit and move in that direction.

2. Pray. Pray to a higher power. This opens you up to that force which makes the planets spin. Prayer is consciously opening your mind to receive this Divine inspiration.

3. Meditate. Meditation brings us out of the limited mind and into our spirits. This is where our greatness dwells. Meditate consistently and you will open up your intuition, the voice of spirit.

4. Journal. Allow Divine inspiration to flow through you and onto your paper. Open up to receive the words you most need to hear. This type of journaling is not written with your mind, but rather you must be out of your mind to receive this.

5. Breathe. Focus on your breath. Tune into the life force that breathes you. Connect to this something larger through the vehicle of your breath.


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Conscious and Joyful Parenting with the Spirit Coach® Tools