Change A Challenging Situation By Asking The Right Question


Quit doing the same thing you have always done and expect a different result. Life is a container for our lessons. We are here, learning. To learn requires trying, making mistakes, failing and learning from all of it. So when something isn’t working and you keep doing it the same way, you need to ask yourself, what it is that you need to learn from this experience? Even if you do not know right away, the answers will eventually come. When we apply what we learn, this then shifts our experiences. Even the most difficult situations can become less challenging when we apply what we have learned to them. We do not have to spend a lifetime before we can apply the lessons of life. Each day gives us so many opportunities to learn and to grow. This is how we blossom into our best selves.

Spirit Coach® Quick Tip:

When you become frustrated by something challenging, ask yourself, what it is that I need to learn from this experience?

Journal your results to the above practice. Pay attention to what you are learning so you can apply it in the current situation and in the future.

When you notice a situation is repeating itself, apply the above practice. I find that when I am willing to apply what I learned after awhile I’m done with that particular lesson and on to the next one.


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