The Saints & Relic Retreat
Receive Healing, Guidance & Nourishment for your Spirit from the Relics of the Saints
Healing on All Levels
Join Jenai for a journey of healing on all levels while connecting to the wisdom and guidance of the saints. You will nourish your spirit and awaken the Divinity within.
We will begin our journey with miracle healer, Sara O’Meara attending the Little Chapel Prayer Service (Saturday Evening) and Healing Service (Sunday). The energy is palpable as you walk upon this land. There is a strong morphic field of healing as hundreds of people have been healed from all kinds of physical, emotional and spiritual issues. This is a rare opportunity to be immersed in the presence of Divine love and healing. Too many past participants to mention have had physical and spiritual healings, and you too can receive your own healing miracle.
We will spend Monday in retreat at The Shrine of Holy Wisdom where you will be introduced to the relics of the saints, to deepen your connection to the powerful wisdom, guidance and healing of these spiritual masters. Some of the relics that will be included are Teresa of Avila, Therese of Lisieux, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Saint Clair, Saint Francis, Padre Pio, Saint Anne and more. You will learn how to deepen your connection to those ascended masters who are here to serve us by their guidance, unconditional love and ability to heal. We will spend time in deep communion with these powerful masters whose spirits are quite active in serving our spiritual evolution. This will support the awakening of your own mastery, as the saints have conveyed on many occasions, we all have the ability to awaken our Divinity because it is within each of us.

Nourish Your Spirit
Spiritual retreat is an important practice to nourish our spirit on a deep level so it can awaken more fully into our day-to-day experience. Taking the time and space to receive, fill up, and nourish on all levels of our being will better support our awakening, and thus bring forth our unique gifts in service of the world. Spending time with others in spiritual work amplifies our own personal intentions and creates a community to support each other through the life journey. This sacred container will allow you to receive what you may need at this time. Dates TBA.
Some of What You May Receive:
Open to the Divine Feminine
Receive Miracle Healing for physical, emotional and spiritual issues
Open your ability to receive guidance from ascended masters
Develop relationships with saints, mystics and ascended masters
Connect in spiritual community
Allow the group energy to amplify your individual intentions
Nourish your heart and spirit on a deep level
Awaken you own Divinity
Allow your gifts to emerge
Open your channels to the Divine
Feel more empowered in your True Self
And more..
You will also meet Father Jorge, a true mystic, spiritual scholar and keeper of the relics. He is offering us his Shrine as our retreat center which is filled with the powerful blessings of Christ Consciousness.

“I came back full of my divine light. The expansion of LOVE in my heart multiplied by a million. I’m seeing and experiencing people in their Divinity. Thank you for being the door to a path of an enlightened heart that keeps on expanding, never resting in the apathy of the mind.”
What People Are Saying
“Wow, mind blowing retreat! I can hardly contain the energy within. I want to sing out with every fiber of my being, feeling my voice could reach the mountaintops. I feel Rich, Deep and Inspired into a flow of energy that can’t keep me still. I’m connecting so deeply to God’s love that is flowing through all those I know and that love is being powerfully reflected back to me. I AM Alive, Awakened, In Spirit. Thank you for being a powerful vessel of God’s love. It is you that has shown us what is possible and so our LIGHT is ignited!!!”
Gwen Williams
“Wow. Just wow. OK, I can elaborate beyond wow…I am deeply transformed by the experience of this retreat. The divine energy held by Jenai, Amrito, and all, created such a safe and inviting container to dive into Spirit. I was amazed at how vibrant and clear many of my meditations were. This retreat revealed to me who I truly am at a deeper level than I’ve ever witnessed before. It has catalyzed changes in how I perceive reality such that my whole life is going to a higher level, a higher octave of being.”
Kassandra Olsen
“I would recommend this Retreat to others who are on a spiritual journey. I would say, it is a Magical Retreat not to be missed!”
Eileen Hoyt
“If you are interested in deepening your connection to your Divine Self, if you want to awaken but you don’t know how, if you want to connect with a group of wonderful Spirits on a similar path, if you want to learn from an incredible spiritual teacher who radiates pure Love, really walks the talk, teaches practical tips and tools and offers profound insights that have the potential to change your life — this retreat is for you!”
Stacy Conlon
“Oh my! How to compact a spiritual super nova into this small box? There is a greater presenceof Holy Spirit within me that is allowing me to see how I have been connected to the Divine throughout my life. This understanding gives me more self-confidence and trust in my own wisdom and guidance. Sounds simple, but feels huge!!! To be held, protected and guided through my most raw vulnerabilities into the next metamorphosis on my spiritual path is the greatest gift I could ever be given! Jenai with Grace and Beauty your angelic presence in my life holds such a strong connection to Source. Thank you, thank you and thank you. In all ways, always.”
Suzanne Perot

$250 Deposit
Dates TBA.
$800 (A monthly payment plan is available.)
You can fly into Sky Harbor Phoenix International Airport (PHX).
To be eligible for this Retreat, you must have completed “A Spirit-Led Life” 8-week course or “The Divine Feminine Transmission” or have been coached by Jenai in a one-on-one capacity.
Secure your spot by paying the deposit of $250
Jenai's Experience with The Relics of The Saints
Have you ever followed an inner nudge that led you to open up a door that you never want to close again? On a trip to Arizona, I was led by Spirit to visit the home of a priest named Father Jorge. In his humble abode I had an experience of sitting in the presence of the saints that was so profound I felt I simply must share it with you.
From the outside, Father Jorge’s house looked like every other home on the block. When I walked through its doors however, it was like entering the gates of Heaven. Every wall was covered in sacred images of the Divine, beautiful representations that made my heart swell with love. As I made my way through the gardens, I was told that there was a very special room in the home that contained relics of saints like Saint Francis, Teresa of Avila, Therese of Lisieux and Mary Magdalene. I knew then that I had come to have an experience of communion with these saints through their sacred artifacts.
If you aren’t familiar with the term, a relic is an actual bone from a saint, or sometimes a piece of clothing they once wore. I knew about relics in the context of the Buddhist tradition, which reveres relics of enlightened masters. It is said that in the presence of relics, a door is opened to a higher plane, allowing profound wisdom, healing and support to be received.
When I entered the room that contained over 230 of these sacred objects, I had no idea what to expect. What happened was this: almost as soon as I crossed the threshold, I spontaneously burst into tears and dropped to my knees, stunned by a feeling of awe and reverence that literally knocked me off my feet. For some time I couldn’t stand; I could only cry and bow in the presence of such grace. The energy was so palpable I had no control at all over my composure, and I didn’t care. This powerful grace swirled all around me, embracing in unconditional love every part of me that I could not yet embrace myself.
Eventually I picked myself up off the floor and sat in a chair to meditate. Right away I heard many spirit voices speaking to me at once, so I asked if they could please talk one at a time. First a female saint who called herself Teresa came forward. I asked her if she was Teresa of Avila, and when she said “no,” I asked if she was Teresa of Lisieux. To this she replied, “No, I am a lesser-known Teresa.” She motioned to my heart, and I felt energy entering it. She then explained that the heartbreak I had been experiencing was part of the process of creating a sacred heart. She assured me that it was all part of my spiritual evolution, and that all would be well. This was very comforting to me, and I had a visceral understanding of how my life experience had led me to this pivotal point in my spiritual evolution.
I also had a visitation from Saint Ignatius in which he seemed to give me a type of psychic surgery that made my brain feel like it was being stretched from the inside out. It was a very strange feeling, but I’m always grateful to receive any mental adjustments I can get, since I know that my mind can interfere with my ability to be my true self. At one point I even felt like I was levitating and couldn’t feel the floor under my feet at all.
I am not sure in what order all this happened, but at one point Jesus took my hand and we walked down a path together that was lined with saints on either side. They were blessing me, and as we walked Jesus asked me, “Jenai, how much blessing can you have?” Without saying it directly, he was showing me just how infinite the blessings we can receive are. I soon felt almost overwhelmed by the saints’ profound love, and this showed me the ways in which I currently limit my ability to receive the love that is always available to all of us.
Before I realized it, a half hour had elapsed and the saints informed me that I had had enough for now. I didn’t ever want to leave, but I knew that I took something special with me as I reluctantly exited the room. An inner door had been opened to the saints and to my heart, that could never be closed again, and I was profoundly grateful for it.
When I could speak again some time later, I asked Father Jorge if there was a saint named Teresa who was not well known, and did he have her relic in his collection. He said, “Yes, I do,” and proceeded to show me who she was on his list of saints. This helped me trust what had transpired, and know that this experience will forever be with me.
And you know me, I can’t have an experience like this and not share it with others, so I will be bringing people on retreat to sit with the saints.