Live and In Person Half-Day Retreat with Jenai

Sunday July 28th, 2024 in San Anselmo, CA

From 1pm to 5pm + I can’t wait to see you!

Nourish your soul. With the assistance of the Ascended Masters and some of Jenai‘s advanced students, you will be showered in healing while activating the Divine power that lives within you. Come and join us for a joyous day of spiritual play, community and experiential growth. Don’t miss this rare opportunity.

Receive an energetic boost to catapult you in an uplifting direction…

Those of you who know me, know that I will channel through exactly what the group needs at this time.

I know that every time that I carved out some sacred space to tap into what my soul wishes to experience, that it comes to fruition. I also know that when I did not make the time for this, life just kept repeating itself. 

This Half Day In Person Retreat is an opportunity to resource our deepest truth and LIVE it. After all, this is what life is for. Stop playing small and start really living life in accordance with the Divine within. Come play and nourish yourself in the company of light workers and many Divine light beings.

Know that you are not alone, You are supported, loved and guided. We will tap into this cause for celebration together in sacred community.

Come Play in The Field of Miracle Consciousness.

The Ascended Masters are Waiting For You.

These Retreats sell out quickly so please reserve your spot right away if you know you are called. This is on a first come, first served basis. SOLD OUT.


Some of what you may receive:

  • Healing transmissions to Uplift Your Consciousness

  • Radiate Your Light as a Beacon for the World

  • Touching The God Within with Joyous Abandon

  • Swim in the Divine Waters of Compassion & Grace

  • Supercharge Your Cells with Healing Codes

  • Let Your Creativity Flow, Unbounded

  • And of course, Healing Miracles



Jenai is visiting from her new home in Sedona. Don’t miss this opportunity!

Sold Out. $188

Sunday, July 28th, 2024 from 1pm to 5pm

San Anselmo, CA at a beautiful private residence, outside

Sold Out

In Person Half-Day Retreat

What People Are Saying

“Jenai, thank you for guiding me, to help me to see my true light, to help me to reinforce my self-love and self-confidence. You are a Divine teacher.”


“Thank you so much for helping me to claim my divinity. Thank you for helping me to Love more deeply so that I can have more Truth.”


“Thank you does not do justice to the gratitude I feel for your teaching, but it’s the only words I know. Thank you.”


“I feel grateful to have a beautifully and wonderfully unfolding relationship with my own knowing, my own divinity and my own sacred heart, such that I trust its wisdom, and get to witness the gifts of grace that come from it.”



“I love Jenai’s clear transmissions and her ability to interpret her teachings in a inclusive, loving, joyful and direct manner.”


Poem Channeled to Jenai from Mary Magdalene:

Your love is like a beacon
Calling me home to myself.
Endless days of struggle
come to an end
when one lets go of trying.
That sweet surrender that is not knowing
allows the virgin to rise in all of us.
The untouched part that bears no pain or shame
and beckons us to a place
where we were always God.
Faith is with you in this letting go
and then, a falling away of the self
you reside in the sweet calling of the soul’s longing
to be home again.