It’s Not About Perfection. It’s About Correction.
Stop measuring yourself on being perfect as this will most likely never come. We came here to learn in this great schoolroom called life. So, if life is about learning, it is not about perfecting, and it is about correcting. There are three simple truths that can give you more energy, more tenacity and awaken your divinity. They are:
1. Who you are and what you do are two different things. Who you are is love. This love is perfect and it is innate in you. As you travel the life experience and remember this truth, you will stop letting what you do (or don’t do) define who you are. Nothing you have done, didn’t do or will ever do will impact who you are.
2. Life is one big classroom where we all came to learn. Learning requires making mistakes; otherwise there is no learning if we already know how to do it all. We came here to learn (period). How we learn is by correcting what isn’t working. Life is then a series of corrections. As we walk our path, and then step off, we just need a little course correction and we are back on path. Resistance is created when we start to believe that we have to be perfect. We don’t. We only need to be willing to correct our mistakes. Relax, allow and enjoy the journey. Creating resistance to our mistakes only happens when we feel bad about them. Learn, let go and move on.
3. You always know. Yes, the big “I”, the spirit in you knows the way. You are never without a compass and that compass is the voice of your spirit. Sometimes the ego is louder—let’s face it, most of the time but this is not who you are. When we get quiet and listen, the answers will come. We chose this journey to learn. There is a part of us who is wise, infinite and full of divinity. This part can help us find the perfection in every correction that we ever make. Trust your Self and you will accomplish what you came here to.