How To Make Your New Year’s Resolutions and Goals Stick


Many of us create New Year’s resolutions or goals but I set intentions for the year. I have found that many a goal or resolution has gone unmet because I did not take the time to set my intentions first. At the beginning of every year, I sit down, get centered, clear and connected and receive my intentions for the year. Why is this important? Intentions are what directs our thoughts and actions so if I am not clear on what these are, I will not be clear in my thought and actions and thus, the results I get will not be the ones I want.

How do you set your intentions? The first step is your intentions must not come from your mind, but rather, your spirit. The highest, wisest part of you that knows why you are here and what you truly want to accomplish this year. One of the tools I use to get out of my mind is meditation. Your goal is to move out of your mind so you can access your most aligned intentions for 2014.

The next step is to receive your intention symbolically. That’s right, you will receive a symbol not a word or a phrase but an image. This allows you to bypass your mental framework by accessing your spirit’s description of your intention through the symbol you are being shown. Once you see the symbol, only then, do you ask your spirit what it means. For example, last year, I saw a bright golden sun. When I felt into this symbol, my heart began to feel warm and glowing. When I began to translate my symbol into words, the words that came out were, “My intention is to radiate love from my heart, glowing from within”. This is how you receive your intentions for 2014; you see a symbol and then, you translate that symbol into words.

I find most people have between three and eight intentions for the year. Let your intuition, the voice of your spirit, be your guide as to how many intentions you have. Then, receive your symbols, translate them into words and you have your intentions for the year. I also recommend finding images that match your intentions, writing them out and placing them somewhere you can see them every day.

What happens when we take the time to set our intentions is our thoughts, words and actions, result in exactly what we are meant to experience this year. This is how we live an inspired (in + spirit) and fulfilling year.

Six Simple Steps To Set Your Intentions for 2014

1. Meditate. Practice The Three C’s: Centered, Clear & Connected. You can receive a guided five-minute meditation for free at Use this guided meditation or do your own meditation; this is the single best way to access your spirit’s intentions. The goal is to get out of your mind and connect to your spirit before you begin this process.

2. Imagine a white screen in front of you. On that screen see, know or hear a number appear between three and eight. This is the number of intentions you have for 2014.

3. On the blank, white screen see a symbol appear. This represents your first intention for 2014. Observe the image. What does it feel like? What are the words that come to you? Write these down. Repeat this process for the number of intentions you have for the year.

4. Write your Intention Statement for each symbol. Start with the phrase, “My intention is to be…” then, finish the statement with the words that resonate for you. For example, if you saw a symbol of a dark circle being enveloped by the light, your Intention Statement might be: “My Intention is to be the light, always coming from the light in all my words, deeds and actions.”

5. Next, find images that match the symbols you received for each Intention. The images do not need to be the exact symbols you saw but must evoke the feelings you felt from the symbol you saw. Then, add your Intention Statement next to each image.

6. Write up your Intentions for 2014 and pair them with the beautiful images that you selected. Put this somewhere you can see it everyday. This will guide you to your highest and best 2014.

For more information on how to co-create your highest and best life, contact


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