Are you Spirit Led? Take The Quiz
Are you Spirit Led?
Give yourself one point for each yes, o points for each no & ½ a point for each maybe
1. Do you practice quieting your mind?
2. Do you acknowledge you are more than your physical mind & body?
3. Do you recognize the benefit of living beyond what your mind tells you?
4. Do you consciously use your intuition?
5. Do you see yourself as a spiritual being having a human experience?
6. Do you acknowledge your higher self or God or Creator?
7. Do you ask your higher self or God or Creator for help?
8. Do you listen to the answers?
9. Do you trust the answers enough to act on them?
Give yourself one point for each yes, o points for each no, ½ point for each maybe
0-2 points = Definitely not Spirit Led but still a spirit even if you do not know it yet
3-5 points = Awakening to becoming Spirit Led
6-8 points = Practicing living a Spirit Led life
9 points = A conscious co-creator living a Spirit Led life