A Quick Tip for Celebrating Your Success Today


Sometimes we are so busy climbing the ladder of success that we don’t even realize how high we have climbed. We are overly focused on where we are going that we miss the view entirely. This is ironic given the reason we began climbing the ladder of success in the first place was to enjoy the view. We have become so busy climbing that our focus is out ahead of us on the next wrung of the ladder rather than being where we are. After all, success means nothing, if we do not enjoy it. Take the time to celebrate all your successes and be present in the now with them. This will not only give you what you are seeking but it will create the energy present to experience even more successes in your life.

A Quick Tip for Celebrating Your Success Today

Create a list of small successes you noticed during your day. For example: How did you serve others? What did you accomplish? Who were you being? These are all great questions that will inspire you to notice how successful you already are. Remember, what you focus on, expands.


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