6 Questions That Will Turn Any Challenge Into Success
Many of us have forgotten that challenge is what makes us great. Without challenge there is no learning. Life is a schoolhouse; the way we learn is through challenge. No one is exempt. Use the following questions to turn any challenge into success. Let life’s challenges make you better not bitter.
1. What really matters to me in life?
2. What am I grateful for, right now?
3. What are my lessons and how will they help me grow?
4. How does what I am going through contribute to the lives of others?
5. Am I inviting and allowing others to support me? If not, how can I?
6. Who am I willing to be? What am I willing to do to achieve my dreams?
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in times of challenge.” -Martin Luther King, Jr.