5 Tips for Being Out of Your Mind & Accessing Your Vision


1. Meditate. Practice The Three C’s to become Centered, Clear & Connected. This is the single best way to access your spirit’s vision.

2. Sleep with a pen and paper by your bed. When you wake up, don’t start thinking about your day right away, just let yourself be in that sweet spot between sleeping and waking—it is here your vision is. You can also ask a question before going to bed, such as: How can I contribute in this world?

3. Take “Be Time”. This is time for just being with no agenda. This clears your mind and allows your creativity to flourish.

4. After meditating, ask yourself, “What do I need to know about my vision?” Journal to record whatever comes through. You will be amazed at the ideas and guidance you can receive just by asking.

5. Follow your bliss. Make a commitment to do one thing you love to do every day. When we do what we love, even in small, seemingly insignificant ways, we are moving towards our vision.

Take a moment to remember when you walked through your fear and did something you always wanted to do. How did you feel? If the answer is anything more than great, then take a step toward your vision and dreams today. You will thank yourself later.


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