5 Steps To Cultivating More Trust
Inevitably, we come to a place where we are asked to have faith. Sometimes, it is the only thing we have left to hang onto. We can no longer control or operate under the illusion that we, in fact, control anything, except our own choices. Faith requires great trust—trust in a power greater than ourselves—one that can and will be there for us in our time of need. Trusting Creator is inextricably linked with trusting ourselves—and by self, I am speaking of the higher self. The more we follow our higher self, our gut instincts, intuition, and knowing what is true for us, the more we then trust ourselves. In contrast, the more we follow the ego, the more we have to control, struggle, and prove to ourselves it will be okay. This, of course, will never be the case as there is always more to prove from this perspective. Operating from our higher self limits the ego’s hold on us and liberates us from this cycle of distrusting the universe. As we learn to trust ourselves, i.e., follow our inner guidance, we begin to trust Creator, as this is our link to co-creation. Building a relationship with our higher self is building a relationship with Creator—the result is trust.
Life experiences can make us untrusting; we must then relearn how to trust. The best way to relearn is through practice. Here are some practices to cultivate trust:
1. Be Present (Grounded). If we are not present, we are in the future or the past, experiencing why we can’t trust. To bring yourself to present-time, visualize a beautiful tree trunk wrapping around your ribcage and going deep down into the center of the earth. Let the roots of the tree wrap around the core of the earth three times. Breathe in the healing energy from the earth.
2. Set an intention to be connected to your higher self. This will stop the ego from running your life by consciously choosing who is in the driver’s seat.
3. Listen to your spirit’s guidance. When we listen to our spirit’s guidance, we are learning to trust ourselves and reinforcing that trust every time we follow our guidance.
4. Affirm your faith with a spiritual practice.
5. Give gratitude to your higher self, honor the Creator in you.