Bella Marie

Master Certified Spirit Coach®

“The only thing that kept her alive was her own light.” ~ Bella

Bella helps people access and ignite their innate radiance and creativity to allow their unique expression of the divine shine forth in the world as a Certified Spirit Coach® and Radical Creativity Coach.

Bella’s is no stranger to supporting others on their spiritual path. Certified as an Integrative Coach in 2002 through the Ford Institute of Integrative Coaching, she was one of the first coaches personally trained by the late Debbie Ford. Bella found the shadow work that Debbie dedicated her life to applied to her own life and journey that began with a dysfunctional childhood. Through her own healing, Bella learned how to mine the gold of the darkest parts of herself to shine her light through these same cracks through the eyes of non-conditional love and compassion. Her ongoing commitment is help others rediscover the light within, working with the archetype of Chiron, the “wounded healer”.

Bella’s unique journey of “the dark night of the soul” has amplified her capacity to assist clients into accessing the parts we hide from ourselves and others. She loves working with people who experience shame, trauma or struggle to realize their creative potential whether as an artist, mother, entrepreneur or CEO.

In her work as a Spirit Coach®, Bella offers a simple presence of being within the sacred container of Spirit Coaching. In addition to being a Spirit Coach®, she is an Intentional Creativity teacher through the Intentional Creativity Foundation and offers intuitive painting classes and retreats in Santa Fe, New Mexico where she resides.

Bella invites you to a complimentary 30 minute discovery session to see if coaching with her is right for you as you take the next step into your radiance.

What People Are Saying

"Coaching with Bella has been illuminating on so many levels. I have more clarity and certainty about who I am which has been an invaluable gift. I feel more like myself. She has helped me access my creativity so I am no longer running the old story “I am not creative” due to being shamed as a child. This has increased my confidence…and my business is thriving as a result! I no longer feel ashamed about who I am and instead feel supported by life. Bella is a clear channel for wisdom and healing, a bridge between the seen and unseen realms." - Heather White

"Working with Bella has transformed my mind from the ground up. Every session with Bella is safe, loving and healing on all levels. She is an extremely gifted intuitive healer. There were many sessions that were spontaneous and authentic to what I needed in that exact moment coming through to Bella. Healing is not an easy journey. It can be very hard to dive into what seems like dark corners of your mind and soul. I am so incredibly grateful that I have Bella to guide me in such a way that is loving but also very real." - Emmy Jessop